Weiburn has 11 new COVID cases and has been vaccinated more than 1,600 times.
There are 321 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Saskatchewan on April 11, bringing the total to 36,305 cases across the state. There are 11 new COVID cases in the Weiburn region, currently 124 activities in the Weiburn region (3 southeast) and 302 activities throughout the southeast region.
Three cases were found to be out-of-state residents and were removed from the Saskatoon (2) and Southeastern (1) zones. Four previously unreported cases have been added to the Saskatoon (2) and Southeast (2) zones.
In the central eastern region, there was one new death between the ages of 60 and 69.
New cases are in the Far Northwest (6), Far Northeast (2), Northwest (21), North Central (8), Northeast (6), Saskatoon (78), Midwest (4), and Central East. (12), Regina (120), Southwest (3), South Central (17) and Southeast (36) zones. Eight new cases have pending residence information. Three cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far Northwest (1) and Northwest (2) zones.
There are a total of 33,347 collections, including 198 new collections as of April 11, with 2,504 cases considered active.
There are 199 inpatients and 153 inpatients: Far Northwest (2), Far Northeast (1), Northwest (4), Central North (3), Northeast (2), Sus Cartoon (43), Central East (12), Regina (78), Southwest (1), Southeast (7). There are 46 people in the intensive care unit: North Central (5), Saskatoon (9), Central East (3), Regina (25), Southwest (1), and South Central (3).
The 7-day average of new cases daily is 249 (20.3 new cases per 100,000). A graph comparing today’s average with the data collected over the past few months is available on the Saskatchewan Government website.
Reported vaccine
An additional 13,170 COVID-19 vaccines were given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines given in the state to 282,065. This is the highest daily dose ever administered.
The 13,170 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were given to residents of the Far North West (223), Far North Central (1), Far North East (78), North West (811), and North Central (397) areas. it was done. ), Northeast (591), Saskatoon (2,072), Central West (692), Central East (1,427), Regina (3,085), Southwest (725), South Central (1020), Southeast (1,621). 427 doses were given with the settlement on hold.
50% of Saskatchewan residents over the age of 50 receive the first dose.
Vaccination Reservation System Eligibility Moves Throughout the State 55+
As of 8 am on Friday, April 9, the qualifications for the Saskatchewan Vaccine Reservation System have been extended to all individuals over the age of 55. Residents aged 55 and over can book online., Or on the 1-833-SASKVAX phone. For details on how to make a reservation, please see the following URL.
Regina Drive-Through Vaccination Clinic
Regina COVID-19 Vaccine Drive-Thru will administer the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to residents aged 51, 52, 53 and 54 on Sunday, April 11. only, The age range is subject to change as demand allows in the next few days. The clinic is open on a first-come, first-served basis at the Regina Exhibition Hall, Ebrats Place, daily from 8:30 am to 11:00 pm. For more information on all drive-through clinics, including latency, see.
On April 10, 3,601 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan and 416 tests were processed in the southeastern region.
To date, 704,555 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of April 9, 2021, when figures for other states and countries were available, the per capita rate for Saskatchewan was 590,539 tests per million people. The national rate was 759,783 tests per million people.
As of April 11, screening in Saskatchewan identified 3,271 of concern subspecies: Far Northwest (7), Far Northeast (1), Northwest (9), North Central (39), Northeast It is reported in (3). Saskatoon (171), Central West (12), Central East (82), Regina (2,271), Southwest (28), South Central (286), South East (310) Zones. Of the 1,131 (79 percent) confirmed pedigree VOC cases reported in Saskatchewan, there are 52 pending residences.
Detailed information on the total number of health care workers, the breakdown of total cases by source of infection, age, gender, region, total tests to date, test rates per capita, and current number of confirmed variants of concern. Statistics can be found at:
All public health measures extended until April 26
The Chief Medical Health Officer has extended the State Public Health Order announced on 9 March and the Regina and Regional Amendments announced on 24 March. The order is valid until April 26, at which point it will be reviewed.
Due to the increased risk of COVID-19 infection in Regina and the region, the following revisions were made on March 24: All restaurants and licensed facilities must be closed for direct dining. Also, most event venues that support 30 people or less are not allowed to operate.
We also do not recommend traveling inside or outside the Regina area unless absolutely necessary. It is highly recommended that all individuals in the Regina region who can work from home do so.
For more information on current public health measures, please visit:
Please be careful: Variants of concern (VOCs) are beginning to increase throughout Saskatchewan, especially in Regina, Moose Jaw, Estevan, Weyburn and Saskatoon. Residents throughout the state are required to adhere to the best personal protection measures and avoid all unnecessary travel to and from Moosejaw, Esteban, and Weiburn.
All Saskatchewan residents need to monitor cases operating in their area and adjust their activities accordingly. Active and new case information for each area can be found at:
If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test. If someone in the house has symptoms, the entire house should be left at home until the test results are available.
Test information is available at the following URL:
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