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Michigan doctors reduce routine immunizations for children and encourage parents to catch up

Michigan doctors reduce routine immunizations for children and encourage parents to catch up


Michigan doctors and public health leaders have asked parents to involve their children in regular vaccinations to avoid a vaccine-preventable epidemic, in addition to the current COVID-19 pandemic. I’m urging you.

Organized briefing I will vaccinate According to the campaign, at a briefing on Monday, 42 of the 83 counties in Michigan had vaccination rates for children aged 19 months to 3 years below 70%. According to the release of I Vaccinate, 70% is the minimum vaccination rate required to protect the community.

However, vaccination rates in some counties are even lower for children in this age group.

The areas with the lowest routine immunization rates for children aged 19 months to 3 years are Oscoda County (45.2%), Detroit City (49%), Gladwin County (55.9%), Iron County (58.3%), and Lake County. The county (59.2%). ), Clare County (59.3%), Otsego County (59.9%), Mackinac County (60.7%), Cass County (61%), Houghton County (61.3%).

With more coronavirus vaccinations and the opening of the state, unvaccinated children will no longer be protected from preventable illnesses such as measles, mumps, whooping cough and chickenpox. This can also put people at risk who are not medically vaccinated.

“As people start traveling and traveling, they will have more opportunities to be exposed to vaccine-preventable illnesses. I’m worried that another pandemic will replace what I’m currently experiencing with COVID. “I will,” said Bob Swanson, a vaccination. Chief of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Routine immunization rates in each county in Michigan

An infographic created by the I Vaccinate campaign showing routine immunization rates for children aged 19 months to 3 years.

Dr. Herbert Smitherman, a professor of internal medicine at Wayne State University and president and chief executive officer of the Health Center Detroit Foundation, said routine immunizations were reduced due to widespread closures that restricted access to primary care offices. The doctor said he had taken the necessary precautions to ensure that the visit was safe. , Inc.

Many healthcare providers are moving to telemedicine, but vaccination requires a direct visit. According to Smitherman, medical practice causes employees to wear masks, keep social distances, wash their hands, and repeatedly disinfect rooms for use by patients.

Dr. Joseph Fakhoury Encourages Parents to Follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommended vaccination schedule, The only schedule that has been carefully tested, researched and reviewed. Delaying or skipping vaccinations on this schedule can expose your child to preventable illnesses.

“This can result in more frequent visits to your clinic, more stress on you as a parent, and extra shots or increased cost expectations for you,” says Fakhoury. I did.

Fakhoury also said he would look for vaccine information from reliable sources, such as his doctor.

“It’s normal to ask questions, it’s normal to be scared, it’s normal to wonder if this is right for your child,” Fakhoury said. “It makes you a good parent. Your doctor, including me, wants to talk to you and we want to make sure we spend the right amount of time addressing those concerns. is.”

If parents in Michigan are worried about seeing a doctor directly, they should call their child’s doctor to learn more about a particular practice protocol, and at Lansing’s family doctor and clinic director at the McLaren Family Medicine Residency Clinic. One Dr. Rachel Young said.

“So if you have further concerns, contact your doctor or pediatrician about their measures and protocols, and you are scheduling a check for healthy children or a vaccine catch-up visit as soon as possible. Make sure that, “Young said.

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