Are you pregnant?Austin doctors want you to get the COVID-19 vaccine
Local obstetricians recommend that pregnant patients be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
And they say they have asked if patients should be vaccinated and if the vaccine is safe for them and their babies.
Dr. Jenny Garty, director of maternal medicine and maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin and assistant professor of women’s health at the University of Texas Del Medical School, said many of her patients are beginning to be vaccinated on their own. Said. For those who are asking about safety or hesitating, she talks about the high risk that pregnant women are infected with COVID-19.
“If you’re still hesitant, we recommend that you take other steps to prevent it,” says Ghartey. This includes wearing masks and staying away from large gatherings.
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Currently, anyone over the age of 16 can be vaccinated in Texas, but pregnant women are considered to be in the 1B priority group along with people with chronic illnesses.
Pregnancy alone increases the risk of coronavirus illness, intensive care unit admission, ventilation, and death, and even more so in pregnant patients with other illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Dr. Rosechan Jackson is a gynecologist at the Austin Regional Clinic working in Hays County. She worked in Houston in June and July when the number of COVID-19 cases surged before moving here in the fall. She had a pregnant patient who was very ill and hospitalized. One died.
Chang-Jackson is now reminding pregnant patients that pregnancy is more dampening the immune system. They are more likely to get sick, and when they get sick, they can be more severe. As a result, pregnant women are now in the 1B category and can be vaccinated sooner, she reminds.
Is it safe?
The first vaccine trial did not include pregnant women. In February, Pfizer launched a survey of 4,000 pregnant women to investigate the safety of mothers and babies from pregnancy to 6 months of age. The results have not been announced.
“Everything in COVID-19 is an unknown territory,” said Chan Jackson.
The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collects data on 40,000 pregnant women who have been vaccinated and have no safety concerns.
“They haven’t reported any more side effect rates,” said Chang Jackson.
She also reminds patients that the science behind these vaccines is not new. It is based on the technology used in other vaccines.
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Is it good for babies?
Recently, Studies published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology We compared the immune responses of 131 vaccinated women: 84 pregnant, 31 breastfeeding, 16 non-pregnant or breastfeeding. The study concluded that the bodies of pregnant and lactating women produced good antibody responses to the vaccine, as did non-pregnant and non-lactating women. And, importantly, the antibody was present in the baby’s cord blood and the mother’s milk. The baby also had immunity transmitted through the placenta and breast milk.
The news didn’t surprise Ghartey based on her knowledge of other vaccines women receive during pregnancy, such as whooping cough, but she said she was happy to see this study confirm it. Was.
Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Vaccinated breastfeeding women were found to have antibodies to their milk after 6 weeks. The study found no serious vaccine side effects in mothers or babies.
Obstetricians have encouraged COVID-19 vaccination as well as influenza and whooping cough vaccinations, but the challenge is that most people do not have the COVID-19 vaccine in their office or are adequate. I don’t have it. Other vaccines allow you to talk to the patient at the time of your visit and get vaccinated immediately. Being vaccinated with COVID-19 means that the patient must register through the portal or website before finding an appointment.
“It would be great if I could get something,” said Chan Jackson. “Would you like to wait for good data and then get infected with COVID-19 and risk dying from COVID-19? I would present it to them that way.”
How about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was suspended by the FDA and CDC for seven women who developed some type of blood clot after vaccination. All women were under the age of 50, but none were pregnant.
Ghartey said he would wait for the FDA and CDC to make recommendations for the vaccine and guidance from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The vaccine may be used again, but not for women in this age group or for pregnant women who are already at high risk of blood clots.
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