The COVID-19 vaccination process is “very quick and easy” | Daily Barometer: Oregon State University Student News, Corvallis News, Crime and Beaver Sports
Currently, a large group of Oregon State University students, staff, and faculty members are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, and all Oregon people over the age of 16 are eligible from April 19th.
by Oregon Health Department Vaccine SequencePersons in Group 7 of Phase 1B are eligible to be vaccinated by April 5th. Group 7 includes, but is not limited to, adults aged 16-44 with underlying illness at risk and front-line workers. Defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC defines frontline workers as: “People who work at an increased risk of personal infection with COVID-19 for the following reasons: Regular close contact with others outside the household (less than 6 feet), daily work (15 minutes) (Over) Per capita) Close contact with others outside the home, and they cannot carry out work from another setting that limits intimate or routine contact outside the home or home.
The definition of CDC means that many college students working in retail stores, grocery stores, or restaurants are now vaccinated.
If you are not sure if a member of the OSU community is eligible for vaccination, Getvaccinated Web Tools Check their eligibility.
“This tool will tell you if you meet the current state-wide vaccine eligibility criteria,” said Jenny Howbenlyzer, Vice President of Student Affairs and Secretary-General of Student Health Services, in an email. I did. “You can also set up text or email notifications to know when to qualify at the state level.”
Members of the OSU community who live inside and outside Benton County and are eligible to receive the vaccine can schedule bookings in several different ways. The COVID-19 vaccine is free for everyone.
“Students from Benton County are encouraged to visit Benton County website Dan Larson, Vice President of Student Affairs and OSU Coronavirus Response Coordinator, said in an email. “For students outside Benton County, OHA website To find a place to get the vaccine in Oregon. “
Samaritan Health Services also vaccinates hundreds of people daily at Reser Stadium in Corvallis, Oregon. Members of the OSU community can sign up there to receive the vaccine.Sumaritan Health website..
Dr. Adam Brady, an infectious disease specialist at Sumaritan Health Services and chair of the Sumaritan Coronavirus Task Force, also said in an email: “
If members of the OSU community choose to receive the vaccine from Reser Stadium, the process of receiving the vaccine is relatively straightforward.
“Sign up for the time slot, receive the QR code and other instructions, arrive at the stadium and continue the check-in process,” Larson said. “Then you receive the dose and wait 15 minutes for observation. This process is very quick and easy and takes less than 30 minutes.”
However, due to the limited supply and distribution of vaccines, community members have limited choices about which vaccines to receive.
“The vaccine has been assigned to us by the Oregon Department of Health,” Brady said. “We mainly receive Pfizer and Moderna at Reser Stadium and may receive as little Johnson & Johnson as the supply allows. Patients can see which vaccines are available at the time of schedule. [their appointment].. “
Members of the community are encouraged not to be unable to choose which vaccine to obtain to prevent vaccination in this way.
“Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are very similar and both are effective,” said Howbenlyzer. “People need to take the vaccines available. It is very important that the second dose is the same vaccine brand as the first dose.”
After receiving the vaccine, someone may experience side effects, which, according to Howbenlyzer, is a natural sign that the body is building immunity.
“Common side effects are: You may experience pain, pain, redness, and swelling in the shot arm for up to a day,” says Haubenreiser. “You may also experience fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, chills, fever, and nausea. Side effects should not last for more than a day or so.”
Allergic reactions are also possible and are part of the reason for screening patients for 15 minutes after vaccination, but they are not common.
“Allergic reactions can occur, but they are very rare,” Brady said.
However, on April 12, the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration began reviewing the J & J vaccine after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine had been administered 6.8 million times in the United States so far. Six rare and severe thrombotic cases were reported in the United States in individuals vaccinated with this vaccine.
“The FDA will also review these cases and review their analysis. We recommend that you take great care to suspend the use of this vaccine until the process is complete.” .. FDA statement..
Julia Johnston, an OSU student and employee working in a campus lab, has already received the vaccine from Fred Meyer Pharmacy in Corvallis.
“I found it [the process] Very easy … “Johnston said. “I went to the pharmacy, checked in, and lined up for about 20 minutes. Then my name was called and I got the vaccine. I received the Pfizer vaccine.”
According to Johnston, the next day she experienced some side effects similar to what Brady and Howben Riser said could occur in a patient.
“I was very tired and sticky / sweaty,” Johnston said. “I was so tired that I couldn’t do much the next day. I felt like all my energy had been taken away from me. But … one day when I felt tired, I caught COVID-19. I knew there was nothing compared to. By the second day, I was completely well and I’ve been feeling that way ever since. “
Serious side effects and allergic reactions to the vaccine are not common, but if someone gets worse or experiences side effects that persist after a few days, you should contact your doctor.
“If the redness or tenderness at the location of the shot increases after 24 hours, you should contact your healthcare provider,” says Haubenreiser. “If you are worried about side effects, or if you don’t seem to be cured after a few days, call the Student Health Services Nurse Advice Line (541-737-2724), Oregon Call Center (Dial 211) during normal business hours. You can call.) Or the Benton County Health Department call center (541-766-6120). “
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