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Eight more COVID-19-related deaths have been reported in Oregon, bringing the total to nearly 2,500. 830 new cases

Eight more COVID-19-related deaths have been reported in Oregon, bringing the total to nearly 2,500. 830 new cases
Eight more COVID-19-related deaths have been reported in Oregon, bringing the total to nearly 2,500. 830 new cases


Portland, Oregon (KTVZ)-There were eight new COVID-19-related deaths in Oregon, increasing the state’s death to 2,484, the Oregon Department of Health reported on Saturday.

OHA also reported 830 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 at 12:01 am on Saturday, bringing the state to a total of 179,930.

Vaccination in Oregon

OHA reported on Saturday that 53,765 COVID-19 vaccinations were added to the state’s vaccination registry. Of this total, 29,160 doses were given on Friday and 24,605 ​​doses were given the day before, but were enrolled in the vaccine registry on Friday.

Currently, the 7-day moving average is 35,236 times per day.

Oregon is currently receiving a total of 1,452,244 first and second doses of Pfizer, 1,220,018 first and second doses of Moderna, and 91,967 single doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

Cumulative daily totals can take several days to finalize, as providers have 72 hours to report the dose administered and many providers are behind in reporting due to technical challenges. OHA has provided technical support to vaccination sites to improve the timeliness of data entry into the state’s ALERT Vaccination Information System (IIS).

To date, 1,731,015 doses of Pfizer, 1,454,400 doses of Modena, and 215,000 doses of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine have been distributed to sites throughout Oregon.

These data are tentative and subject to change.

OHA Dashboard The Oregon dashboard was updated on Saturday, providing regularly updated vaccination data.

COVID-19 hospitalized

The number of patients admitted to COVID-19 throughout Oregon is 295, 19 more than Friday. There are 66 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) bed, two more from Friday.

The total number of patients in bed can fluctuate during reporting times. This number does not reflect the number of hospital stays or length of stay per day. This data does not include personnel limits and may further limit bed capacity.

Learn more about hospital capacity...

Incident and death

Newly confirmed estimated COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday were Baker (6), Benton (12), Craccamus (106), Kratosop (1), Colombia (7), Couse (5), Crook (8). ) Is in the county. ), Curry (7), Deshutes (82), Douglas (11), Harney (1), Hood River (2), Jackson (47), Jefferson (3), Josephine (12), Klamath (38), Lake ( 1), Lane (70), Lincoln (6), Lynn (34), Marul (1), Marion (65), Multnomah (130), Pork (10), Tillamook (6), Umatilla (8), Union ( 3), Wallowa (1), Wasco (6), Washington (117), Yamhill (24).

The 2,477th death in Oregon was a 69-year-old man from Clackamas County who tested positive on March 22 and died at the Portland Adventist Medical Center on March 27. He had a fundamental condition.

The 2,478th death in Oregon is a 61-year-old man from Coos County who tested positive on April 16 and died at Bay Area Hospital on April 22. The existence of the underlying condition has been confirmed.

The 2479th death in Oregon was a 75-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on 22 October and died at home on 23 November. The existence of the underlying condition has been confirmed.

The 2,480th death in Oregon was a 68-year-old man from Hood River County who tested positive on March 21 and died at home on March 26. He had a fundamental condition.

The 2,481st death in Oregon was a 91-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on September 4 and died at home on March 5. The death certificate states that COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of death or a significant condition that contributes to death. He had a fundamental condition.

The 2482th death in Oregon was a 91-year-old woman from Multnomah County who tested positive on November 23 and died at home on March 2. The death certificate states that COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of death or a significant condition that contributes to death. She had a fundamental condition.

The 2483th death in Oregon was a 71-year-old man from Multnomah County who tested positive on December 10 and died at home on March 7. The death certificate states that COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of death or a significant condition that contributes to death. He had a fundamental condition.

The 2484th death in Oregon was a 46-year-old man from Multnomah County who died at home on December 14, after a positive postmortem test on December 17.The existence of the underlying condition has been confirmed

county The total number of cases 1 Total deaths 2
Baker 898 14
Benton 2823 19
Cracker mass 15835 206
Kratosop 919 8
Columbia 1595 26
Kuus 2002 32
Crook 931 19
curry 615 9
Deshoots 7551 73
Douglas 3089 68
Gilliam 57 57 1
Grant 436 Four
Harney 318 7
Hood river 1146 30
Jackson 10231 129
Jefferson 2094 32
Josephine 3141 64
Klamath 3768 59
lake 420 7
Lane 11998 144
Lincoln 1322 20
Rin 4314 64
Misfortune 3439 59
Marion 20687 300
tomorrow 1086 15
Multnomah 35827 574
pork 3527 52
Shaman 57 57 1
Tillamook 598 3
Umatilla 8029 84
Union 1424 twenty three
Warowa 160 Five
Wasco 1329 28
Washington 24042 229
Wheeler 26 1
Yang Hill 4196 75
State-wide 179,930 2,484

1 This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic tests and estimated cases. Estimated cases are cases that show symptoms such as COVID-19, are in close contact with confirmed cases, and do not have a positive diagnostic test. The country of residence of the case may change as new information becomes available. If any changes occur, the count will be updated accordingly.

2 For more information on individuals who died in COVID-19, Oregon, See OHA press release

Electronic Lab Report (ELR) received on April 23, 2021

county Negative ELR Positive ELR ELR total Positive rate
Baker twenty three 8 31 25.8%
Benton 863 27 890 3.0%
Cracker mass 1310 107 1417 7.6%
Kratosop 136 Four 140 2.9%
Columbia 136 16 152 10.5%
Kuus 211 12 223 5.4%
Crook 53 7 60 11.7%
curry 93 6 99 6.1%
Deshoots 911 100 1011 9.9%
Douglas 272 Four 276 1.4%
Gilliam 0 0 0 0%
Grant 101 Four 105 3.8%
Harney 12 2 14 14.3%
Hood river 92 Four 96 4.2%
Jackson 600 64 664 9.6%
Jefferson 49 6 55 10.9%
Josephine 150 twenty three 173 13.3%
Klamath 204 50 254 19.7%
lake 8 0 8 0.0%
Lane 1800 85 1885 4.5%
Lincoln 150 8 158 5.1%
Rin 729 57 57 786 7.3%
Misfortune 62 6 68 8.8%
Marion 1297 149 1446 10.3%
tomorrow 35 0 35 0.0%
Multnomah 3164 175 3339 5.2%
pork 325 18 343 5.2%
Shaman 2 0 2 0.0%
Tillamook 46 Five 51 9.8%
Umatilla 336 11 347 3.2%
Union 265 Four 269 1.5%
Warowa 6 1 7 14.3%
Wasco 110 8 118 6.8%
Washington 2250 171 2421 7.1%
Wheeler 2 0 2 0.0%
Yang Hill 334 30 364 8.2%
State-wide 16137 1172 17309 6.8%

Cumulative ELR

county Negative ELR Positive ELR ELR total Positive rate
Baker 11266 1814 13080 13.9%
Benton 134058 4360 138418 3.1%
Cracker mass 424854 24297 449151 5.4%
Kratosop 33314 1621 34935 4.6%
Columbia 40658 2179 42837 5.1%
Kuus 44899 2450 47349 5.2%
Crook 17323 1242 18565 6.7%
curry 11061 522 11583 4.5%
Deshoots 181736 9722 191458 5.1%
Douglas 79008 3508 82516 4.3%
Gilliam 1193 44 1237 3.6%
Grant 5712 349 6061 5.8%
Harney 4090 373 4463 8.4%
Hood river 31042 1621 32663 5.0%
Jackson 209873 15445 225318 6.9%
Jefferson 18971 1915 20886 9.2%
Josephine 69721 3624 73345 4.9%
Klamath 46987 4196 51183 8.2%
lake 5084 416 5500 7.6%
Lane 463467 14273 477740 3.0%
Lincoln 41719 2630 44349 5.9%
Rin 133234 8086 141320 5.7%
Misfortune 25372 5065 30437 16.6%
Marion 334953 31070 366023 8.5%
tomorrow 7155 1307 8462 15.4%
Multnomah 1004152 53607 1057759 5.1%
pork 68199 4634 72833 6.4%
Shaman 1359 67 1426 4.7%
Tillamook 14345 587 14932 3.9%
Umatilla 63988 8961 72949 12.3%
Union 20623 1789 22412 8.0%
Warowa 3077 159 3236 4.9%
Wasco 33290 1656 34946 4.7%
Washington 617458 39663 657121 6.0%
Wheeler 682 28 710 3.9%
Yang Hill 131636 6858 138494 5.0%
State-wide 4,335,559 260138 4595697 5.7%

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccination ??

For more information on the status of the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon, please visit our web page (English language Or Spanish), Distribution and other information breakdown.

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