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Nothing to Smell: Depression Common to People with COVID-Related Olfactory Loss-Consumer Health News

Nothing to Smell: Depression Common to People with COVID-Related Olfactory Loss-Consumer Health News


Tuesday, April 27, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Loss of smell and taste is often an early and permanent symptom of COVID-19. Currently, studies suggest that it is also depressing for many COVID survivors with long-term sensory loss.

In a web-based survey of 322 adults with COVID and sudden changes in odor and taste, 56% reported reduced enjoyment of life and 43% felt depressed after losing sensation of odor. I admitted.

Dr. Daniel Coelho, a professor of otolaryngology, who is the lead author of the study, said: Virginia Commonwealth University. “But it’s not just that the food tastes bad and that the flowers don’t smell like flowers. It has a far more serious impact on both quality of life and safety.”

More than half (57%) of respondents said they experienced at least one safety-related problem as a result of olfactory loss, including the inability to detect smoke. According to VCU researchers, 36% reported two or more safety-related issues.

Survey results recently published online American journal of otolaryngology.

Safety aside, the loss of smell and taste can be devastating enough for some, especially if those sensations are tied to their lives. One-third of infected wine stewards, who responded to a survey by French Union Oenologists, said COVID contracts affected their ability to work.

Richard Dotty, director of the Center for Olfaction and Taste at the University of Pennsylvania, was not part of a new study, but he and his colleagues also found COVID-19 patients due to olfactory loss in their own study. I said I tracked it.

“In a study of 100 patients, 96 showed apparent olfactory loss at the time of measurement, but didn’t notice until nearly one-third of them were tested,” Dotty said. .. “We also followed these people for up to eight weeks and found that objective measurements showed that about two-thirds returned to normal during that period.”

He said the chances of regaining the sense of smell are not very good if the sensation is lost due to a common cold or head injury.

During the pandemic, TikTok videos and support groups like AbScent popped up or expanded to provide affected people with space to discuss their cases and exchange their own scent retraining tips. ..

A New York Times restaurant critic detailed her path to regaining smell and taste in the “The Daily” podcast, including burning oranges based on social video tips. (It didn’t work.)

For those who don’t have the time to actively train their noses or who aren’t motivated, there are reasons for hope. Researchers at Doty’s center have found that the same percentage of patients naturally regain their sense of smell.

For those who may never get it back, treatment and the big picture may be useful.

“It’s very peculiar,” Dotty said. “Some people aren’t depressed, others are terribly depressed, but at some point, the vast majority of people find themselves in a situation that isn’t as life-threatening as loss of sight or hearing. I think we’ll be dealing with it, or something else. Getting it in sight can really help people overcome their depression. “

For more information

New York Times restaurant critic Tehar Lao explained how she retrained her sense of smell after COVID. Daily podcast..

Source: Daniel Coelho, MD, Professor, Otorhinolaryngology, and Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Otorhinolaryngology Chief. Dr. Richard Doty, Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Director of the Center for Smell and Taste at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. American Journal of Otolaryngology, March 22, 2021, online

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