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Overcrowded Orbit: How Space Technology Supports Direct Traffic Around the Earth

Overcrowded Orbit: How Space Technology Supports Direct Traffic Around the Earth


On October 6, 1957, Russia’s Sputnik 1 made history as the first satellite to reach space for humankind. Today, an estimated 6,000 satellites orbit the Earth’s low earth orbit, a busy satellite superhighway.

The private industry is driving the space boom. In the next few years Amazon And SpaceX We plan to launch tens of thousands of satellites.


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Canada is also investing more money in its space fleet. Upcoming trip to the moon.. Last week’s federal budget for the Canadian Space Agency to begin planning its next-generation observation satellite included a total of $ 9.9 million.

The project is expected to replace the Radarsat Constellation Mission. Three satellites worth over $ 1 billion. Together, they track things like climate change, ice movements, precision agriculture, animal movements, natural disasters and more. But they and others are increasingly facing threats.

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On February 10, 2009, two communications satellites (active commercial Iridium 33 and abandoned Russian Kosmos 2251) accidentally collided over Siberia. The impact released an estimated 3,500 debris into orbit. Adding this to the number of satellites expected to exceed 30,000 over the next decade would make the space dangerously overcrowded.

“In the early days, there weren’t many warnings,” said Michelle Doyoung, flight operations manager for the Canadian Space Agency.

CSA currently supports over 70 satellites. Last year, we manually processed over 18,000 potential collision alerts.

“If the secondary object is a pure debris, there is no coordination. It manages. But if the other object is another satellite, the operators work together to prevent it from moving in the same direction. That is, One goes up, one goes down, and so on. “

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read more: Canadian Army Looking for Ideas to Protect Satellites from “Cyber ​​Attacks and Lasers”

It’s a tedious task, and a space technology company is eager to help manage it.

Kaihan Space Is one of them, offering an advanced new system for monitoring and automating collision alerts. It’s like a traffic control service for the Earth’s low earth orbit.

“It takes one catastrophic accident, one collision to complete the mission, but debris from that collision can render the entire orbit unusable for years. So it’s a big problem, and it’s very prone to human error, “said Alas Fage, co-founder of the company.

Others like Canada MDAIs launching a new technology to help from above.

“We use orbital services to manage debris and dispose of space debris, as well as actively manage, inspect, repair, refuel, and extend life of satellites. The market for this is growing. , Estimated in the $ 8 billion range, said Mike Greenley, CEO of MDA.

“In the future, we will have the opportunity to place sensors on the spacecraft to see what is coming towards us and program it into logic.”

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Technology is useful, but even tech companies are aware that in an increasingly chaotic atmosphere, problems that require extensive international cooperation are expanding.

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“This is a really big issue,” said Dr. Siamak Hesar, an aerospace engineer who supported multiple NASA missions before co-founding Kayhan Space. “It’s not just the problems of Canada and other countries, but the universe belongs to everyone.”

“We believe that global collaboration is needed to set the basic rules for space and traffic management,” Feyzi added.

Canada has been an active player in various international forums to tackle this issue. The latest is the UN General Assembly’s approval of long-term sustainability guidelines, with more than 80 countries agreeing on guidelines on how to use space responsibly.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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