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Children in South Asia are at risk of coronavirus disrupting vaccination motives: UNICEF


ISLAMABAD / PESHAWAR-A coronavirus pandemic disrupting immunization programs across South Asia opposes attempts to vaccinate millions of children against deadly illnesses, UN children Our Fund UNICEF warned on Tuesday.

File Photo: A boy receives a drop of polio vaccine during an anti-polio campaign on February 17, 2020 in Peshawar, Pakistan. Reuters / Fayaz Aziz

UNICEF began to fear that a pandemic disrupted the vaccine supply chain, leaving families afraid to attend clinics, and 4.5 million children were fully vaccinated against diseases such as measles, diphtheria and polio. He said that there was a new health crisis in areas that had not.

“The COVID-19 virus doesn’t seem to make many children a serious illness, but the health of hundreds of thousands of children can be affected by this interruption of regular vaccination services.” Said Jean Gough, director of UNICEF’s South Asia office. statement. “This is a very serious threat.”

According to UNICEF, more than 1.5 million people die worldwide from diseases that can be prevented by vaccination.

Home to the last polio outbreak in the world, along with Afghanistan, Pakistan has suspended vaccination campaigns against devastating diseases.

In one of the northwestern provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, senior government officials and health workers told Reuters they were concerned about the potential increase in polio cases.

“ We have completely stopped our efforts and missed two important campaigns since the domestic COVID-19 pandemic, ” said one of the people involved in the Polio Eradication Program in Peshawar. I expected it would take a few months to complete.

Global polio cases have been reduced by more than 99% since 1988, but remain endemic in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 2019 more than 100 people were infected in Pakistan. This is a resurgence from the low worldwide record of 22 cases recorded in 2017.

Pakistan’s Health Minister and spokesman for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa State Government did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Pakistan’s polio eradication program needs to fight rumors and social media campaigns claiming that the vaccine is harmful to children, sending workers to the community to educate families about the benefits of vaccination .

However, workers have been relocated since the outbreak of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 lung disease.

“Because the polio campaign was cancelled, local residents and prayer leaders tracked people arriving abroad in February with coronavirus-like symptoms and secured social distances in the mosque in February. We have a meeting with him, “said one Peshawar worker.

“I’m doing a completely different job … I’m worried that the number of polio cases will definitely increase after the coronavirus outbreak ends.”

Report by Charlotte Greenfield of Islamabad and Giblan Ahmad of Peshawar. Edited by Alex Richardson


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