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Victoria continues to find the virus in wastewater. What’s wrong?

Victoria continues to find the virus in wastewater. What’s wrong?


“No false positive results occur. If you detect a virus in the sample, it means that someone in the catchment area is flushing it.

“Our point is safer than regret. If there is an outbreak, everything shuts down and we are losing a lot of money, our work is wasted. Pay close attention , We are taking precautionary measures. “

People infected with COVID-19 shed fine droplets containing the genetic material of the virus. Fragments of the SARS-CoV-2 genetic code eventually become wastewater when infected people wash away used tissue and wash their hands. The genetic code is also found in the feces of infected people.

Often, this dropout begins a few days before a person develops symptoms.

Associate Professor David McCarthy of Monash University said:

A Study by CSIRO The case proposed in Brisbane in early 2020 may have been discovered weeks ago by wastewater detection.

Ultimately, the immune system of an infected person, in addition to being infected, stops coughing and sneezing and is no longer infectious. However, although they are no longer contagious, they will continue to shed the virus, both live and dead, for potentially up to eight weeks after removing the virus.

Associate Professor Paul Griffin, a microbiologist at the University of Queensland, said:

Dr. Dandia, a microbiologist at Water Futures, states that he usually sheds more virus from the nose and mouth in the early stages of infection and from the faeces in the later stages. Head of National Wastewater Tracking Project..

“Therefore, a person can leave the quarantine with a negative test from a cotton swab in the nose and throat, but still sheds the virus from the intestines,” he said.

The genetic information from each sample is filtered out and tested using a PCR test similar to that used in humans. The amount of genetic material found may give a rough indication of the number of people shedding the virus.

“It is very clear that the concentration of SARS2 in wastewater follows a pattern very similar to the clinical cases found in Melbourne. [during our second wave]”. Professor McCarthy, who works closely with the government on wastewater inspection, said.

“The shape of the curve was the same.”

When the signal is detected, the Department of Health will follow up on targeted wastewater tests to determine where the case is and publish a public health notice to the community asking the symptomatic person to be tested. ..

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