Hamilton records 133 new COVID-19 cases and “challenge” in daily reports-Hamilton
According to Hamilton’s health official, the unprocessed results of recent tests that plague Ontario laboratories are “frustrating” as the city reports daily over the past two weeks. That is. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Accurate case data.
In a pandemic update on Monday afternoon, Dr. Elizabeth Richardson said public health has recently faced a “challenge” to enter numbers into case management systems after delays in state-shared test results. It was.
“That’s why our numbers aren’t as easy to track daily as they are now, so we can determine if we don’t seem to be stagnant,” Richardson said.
MOH said the city is working with the Ministry of Health to identify and resolve the cause of the delay.
Last week, the state reported that the backlog of the tests it investigated doubled in the two days from Monday to Wednesday, with more than 34,000 tests waiting for results, more than 34,000.
As of Monday, there is still a backlog of 25,049 tests waiting for results. Since the pandemic began, the state has processed more than 14.2 million tests.
At stake are used by the city to monitor the spread of the coronavirus throughout the community, including reproductive numbers, positive rates, average cases 7 days a day, and weekly rates per 100,000 people. It is a key indicator to do. The latter two haven’t been updated since Sunday.
Richardson says one important figure, the 7-day case rate per 100,000, is still higher than she wants. The rate dropped somewhat in the last two weeks from 211 on April 20th to 180 per 100,000 as of May 2nd.
“So I want to see us turn the curve at that peak, but it’s not time to start thinking about giving up in terms of the necessary controls,” Richardson said.
The last reported 7-day case average checked in at 154 over the weekend, while Hamilton’s fertility remained below 1 at 0.86.
There are also concerns about the percentage of positive rates. This indicates that the average number of COVID-19 tests in Hamilton has returned to positive.
Indicators rose from 9.1% on Sunday to a record 12.2% on Monday following the weekend. As of Tuesday, that number dropped slightly to 11.8 percent.
According to public health data, more than 70% of Hamilton’s 1,660 active cases are from residents under the age of 50. About 40% of active cases are people under the age of 30.
According to Richardson, the high vaccination rate of the elderly and the increase in mutation cases have changed the situation for those who are adversely affected by the coronavirus.
The mutants have proven that not only are infections in the population more efficient, but they also cause more serious respiratory problems in adolescents requiring hospitalization.
“In particular, we know that it affects people’s breathing, so if you have breathing problems, go right away and look for care and don’t be shy about it,” Richardson said. Told.
Hamilton reports 133 new COVID-19 cases, 3 deaths
Hamilton reported 133 new COVID-19 infections and three more virus-related deaths on Tuesday.
According to public health, the deceased were two in their 60s and one in their 70s. Since the pandemic began, the city has now killed 363 people.
Public health recorded an outbreak at another workplace at Stoney Creek’s 3 TEC Computer Services. Two workers are involved in the surge.
Five outbreaks were declared on Tuesday at two workplaces, a pair of supportive housing facilities and Jurabinsky Hospital.
The proliferation of F3 units in Durabinsky lasted 15 days and involved 5 patients.
As of May 4, there are still four outbreaks at a municipal hospital involving 37 people.
There were only two outbreaks at Mabuhai Lodge and Harbor Home, but three at ArcelorMittal de Fasco’s Tube Slitter Line and Kushies Baby Store.
As of Tuesday, there were 17 workplace outbreaks in the city, for a total of 147 cases.
Confusion, anger arises against NACI’s mixed message about the “favorable” COVID-19 vaccine
The largest two reported 39 cases at Arista / Oakrun Farm Bakery on Fiddler’s Green Road, involving 32 employees in the National Steel Car outbreak.
Rapid increase in Evergreen Manor Retirement Homes in central Hamilton are the largest outbreaks of any home with the elderly. There are a total of 19 cases involving 17 residents and 2 staff.
As of May 4, Hamilton had 36 outbreaks, including a total of 288 cases.
There are 150 COVID-19 patients in two hospital institutions in the city, 102 in Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) and 48 in St. Joe’s.
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