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Will County Opens Vaccine Site for Children 12-15 Years Old

Will County Opens Vaccine Site for Children 12-15 Years Old


Will County, Illinois — Will County’s COVID-19 vaccination launch will begin providing Pfizer vaccine to children ages 12 to 15 from Thursday, Will County Health Department said on Facebook.

On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration approved an emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12-15. Then, on Wednesday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the use of the Pfizer vaccine for children of that age group.

You can schedule the vaccine For online sites operated by the county.

As the school’s summer and year-end events approach, Will County Health Department is calling on residents to carefully plan their celebrations.

“Young people are causing the latest COVID-19 surge,” WCHD epidemiologist Alpesh Patel said in a release. “Many youth outbreaks are associated with youth sports and extracurricular activities. Proms are inherently risky activities because they are social gatherings involving dance and singing (both breathing in an indoor environment). It’s an increasing activity). We’ll also show you the opportunity for students to break health and safety protocols in a relaxed environment. “

“The risk of COVID-19 spreading among school staff, students, and their families participating in these activities during a pandemic remains significant,” Alpesh said. “It is highly recommended that schools / parents do not have a prom and instead have another celebration on behalf of the elderly.”

CDC recommends virtual or outdoor Year-end gathering. To make small gatherings safer, it is also advisable to wear a mask, stay 6 feet away from others, avoid crowded, poorly ventilated indoor spaces and wash your hands.

One of last year’s biggest superspreader events was a make-up prom organized in Indiana, the Department of Health said in a release.

WCHD Executive Director Sue Olenek states that, above all, living a daily life as if nothing has changed is not the current course of action.

“The last thing we want is a big setback. It’s definitely premature to act like it’s back to normal. Sure, there are some festivals and concerts coming back this year. , Masks and social distance procedures must be adhered to. Participate in these events and continue to vaccinate as much as possible, “says Oleneck.

This Friday, the county, along with other parts of the state, will begin the bridge phase. In this phase, health restrictions will be relaxed and capacity limits will be increased before the state moves to Phase 5. It will be fully restarted and will be tentatively set on June 11th.

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