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The Urban Renewal Act was amended to simplify the rebuilding process

The Urban Renewal Act was amended to simplify the rebuilding process
The Urban Renewal Act was amended to simplify the rebuilding process


Taipei, May 14 (CNA) lawmakers Friday approved revisions to an urban renewal law aimed at encouraging the reconstruction of old buildings and speeding up urban renewal by simplifying procedures and providing incentives.

Articles 57, 61 and 65 of the law were proposed to be amended by the cabinet in December 2020 to address the issue of existing buildings that do not meet the earthquake resistance standards introduced after the deadly earthquake that struck central Taiwan on September 21, 1999, the Ministry of Interior said in a statement.

According to the ministry, there are more than 36,200 buildings of six floors or more that were built before regulations requiring better earthquake resistance came into effect in December 1999.

The reviews also address the properties built with sea sand, which contain a high percentage of chloride ions that accelerate corrosion of rebar and undermine the integrity of the building, the ministry said.

These problems will come into effect in circumstances where an urban renewal project for a residential building has already been approved, but some building unit owners have held out and refused to allow the building to be demolished.

For now, the local government can be called upon to intervene, but it will be required to consult and negotiate with the naysayers before taking any further steps, a process that may be long and cumbersome.

Under the amended law, if the building is considered a threat to public safety because it does not meet earthquake standards or was built with sea sand, the local government can bypass the negotiation stage and directly demolish the building with the support of the majority of the building’s unit owners.

The law did not mention the size of the required majority.

The ministry said local governments will be given the authority to identify unsafe properties that have been built with sea sand, as they have enough experience to deal with this problem.

The ministry said the ministry would consult with experts and academics to establish regulations on how the building should be classified as unsafe when it does not meet current earthquake resistance requirements.

Another review provided additional incentive for unit owners in substandard or unsafe buildings to rebuild, by increasing the maximum floor area allowed for any new construction.

Under current laws, the ratio of the floor area – the ratio of the total floor area of ​​a building (the total floor area) to the size of the plot of land being built – permitted by local governments for urban renewal projects is 120 percent.

The revised law increases this to 130 percent. The extra space is usually sold to outside clients to bear or pay for the remodeling costs, so the more space available, the more benefit the building’s owners.

Aside from the amendment, lawmakers also passed a decree urging the government to ensure that people’s right to adequate housing is protected under international agreements when implementing the new law.

(Written by Fan Cheng-hsiang, Lai Yu-chen and Kay Liu)

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