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US Coronavirus: CDC Mask Guidance opens the door to vaccination, but experts say it’s a long way to go for those who don’t.

US Coronavirus: CDC Mask Guidance opens the door to vaccination, but experts say it’s a long way to go for those who don’t.
US Coronavirus: CDC Mask Guidance opens the door to vaccination, but experts say it’s a long way to go for those who don’t.


“The majority of us rely on scientists and experts to keep us safe during a pandemic, and that worked. Millions of Missiganders were fully vaccinated. So now you can safely and confidently take the next step and get back to normal, “said Whitmer.

Some states have already taken that step. Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Vermont, and Vermont ended their mask obligations on Friday.

That’s after the CDC changed the mask guidelines on Thursday, saying that fully vaccinated people no longer need to stay away from others outside the family.

Some on friday National retailers followed.. Walmart, Costco, Sam’s Club and Trader Joe’s have announced that fully vaccinated shoppers no longer need to wear masks at some stores. And Publix Super Markets announced that starting Saturday, fully vaccinated customers will no longer need to wear face covers.

In Virginia, all distance and capacity restrictions will be lifted on May 28, two weeks earlier than planned, Governor Ralph Norsam said Friday.

“We are on the right path for fully vaccinated people.” National Institute of Health Francis Collins Director I told CNN. “You can remove the mask not only indoors but also outdoors.”

But he added, “We’re not at the end of this story. Many people haven’t taken that shot yet.”

According to CDC data, just over 36% of all Americans are fully vaccinated, and less than half (almost 47%) are vaccinated once.

Wait, does this mean the pandemic of the vaccinated people is over?

The CDC has reached new guidance with lower case rates, higher numbers of vaccinations, and a better understanding of the risk of virus spread by vaccinated people, said Dr. Rochelle Warensky, director of the CDC. Told CBS on Friday.

“In the last two weeks, our cases have decreased by a third,” she said. “In some cases, the vaccination rate is rising, and it is declining rapidly.

“If you have been vaccinated over the past few weeks, you are safe and protected from being infected with Covid-19, and the risk of infecting others is very low, and these vaccines actually work. There are new signs that it is. A variant that is distributed here in the United States. “

Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “Now your life will change” for those who have not experienced the immediate effects of vaccination, and some companies like airlines have a mask obligation. Places like grocery stores, restaurants, bars and bowling alleys may look as quick as before the pandemic, although they may be maintained.

What to do with the new CDC guidelines for vaccinated people?Dr. Wen explains

The CDC’s decision could have indirect effects that could provide incentives for people at risk for vaccination, but it was based on science showing how powerful vaccine protection was, Forch said. Mr. says.

However, as the normality of protected individuals resumes, experts warn that unvaccinated individuals may be at increased risk of infection.

“We continue to think of this country as a vaccinated and unvaccinated country,” said Sanjay Gupta, a medical analyst at CNN. “It changes slowly in vaccinated and infected countries.”

According to CNN medical analyst Lina Wen, guidance would prevent the United States from reaching herd immunity and still prevent it if there was no way to determine who was vaccinated and who was not vaccinated. It could put more people at risk if they are not vaccinated or have weakened immunity.

“I think they were overly cautious and are now paying attention to the wind,” Wen said of the CDC guidelines.

People should follow local rules regarding wearing masks, Warrensky told NBC on Friday.

“We really need to understand that this country is not uniform. There are still places in this country where the incidence of disease is high. There are still places in this country where immunization rates are low,” she said. It was.

“Ultimately, people need to look into the local environment because the virus is opportunistic and is known to reappear if vaccination rates are low,” Walensky said. .. “We really need to make sure people are vaccinated, and we will continue to take precautions even if people are not vaccinated.”

The mask may stay for some time

Experts say that unvaccinated people are threatening their health by going public, shortening social distances, and hiding usage guidance.

Wen also said that people with a weakened immune system due to chemotherapy or organ transplants may not have a sufficient immune response to safely remove the mask in public.

& # 39; What if I don't have a shot? & # 39; Parents consider whether to vaccinate adolescents

Research is underway in young children, but the vaccine is only approved for children up to 12 years of age. Therefore, people who are not yet old enough to take should wear a mask indoors or around others.

Fauci told MSNBC on Friday that elementary school children will not be vaccinated until the end of the year.

“They are called age deescalation studies, which do tests to make sure you get children of different ages and it’s safe,” he said. “You’re 12 to 9 years old. If you look good, you’re 9 to 6 years old. It’s good looking, 6 to 2 years old. It’s good looking, 6 months to 2 years. . “

The timeline will probably put the youngest children behind the line, Forch said.

“I think high school students and adolescents can get vaccinated by the fall, but I think it will take until the end of the calendar year to reach elementary school.”

US retailers may still require masks from patrons, and the CDC recommends wearing masks while traveling or using public transport, Walensky said.

The choice to remove the mask is a decision that vaccinated people can make on their own. Some people may choose not to do soSaid Fauci.

“We know that the risk of getting infected, indoors or outdoors, is very low, so it’s perfectly fine for individuals who have some degree of risk aversion,” Fauci said. “But there are people who don’t want to take that risk. That’s nothing wrong. They shouldn’t be criticized.”

Some states jump into change, others suppress

Not all governors have rushed to lift the Covid-19 restriction, but some have announced that it will be lifted soon.

Delaware will lift its obligations on masks vaccinated on May 21st.

The long-awaited milestone could soon return as more young Americans get vaccinated, the CDC director says.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said the capacity limits and face mask mandates ended on June 11 and “life is almost completely back to normal.”

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice said he would lift the state’s face mask requirements for people who were fully vaccinated on June 20.

Rhode Island will adjust Mask’s guidance to the CDC’s guidance from Tuesday, Governor Dan McKee said on Friday, and Ohio’s Governor Mike DeWine will give the state health order a state health order to the CDC’s guidance. I instructed them to match.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivy called the latest guidance “common sense” in a CNN statement, saying the state “already accepted this idea.” Alabama withdrew its mask mandate in April.

“The Alabama people are coming back to life, so Alabama, roll up your sleeves and get the vaccine!” Ivy said.

Officials in New York, Colorado, and North Carolina will review the guidance before making any changes.

Los Angeles County has so far decided to oppose following new mitigated measures.

Vaccinated people do not need to wear masks with other vaccinated people in uncrowded areas, but nevertheless, in crowded indoor and outdoor venues, everyone has a face cover Must be worn.

CNN’s Lauren Mascarenhas, Maggie Fox, Dr. SanjayGupta, Nadia Kounang, Andy Rose, Keith Allen, Jamiel Lynch and Alexandra Meeks contributed to this report.


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