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Summer skin challenges and tips

Summer skin challenges and tips


We love sunny skies and long and fun summer days. The warmer the weather and the longer the daylight, the more natural it is to spend time swimming, exercising, hiking and camping. But all that sun and fun can do a lot to our skin. Let’s talk about sunburn, heat rash, and insect bites.


At that time, before we knew well, the beginning of the summer season was often the first tan of the year. Sun worship in the 1970s and 1980s included a coat of baby oil or zero SPF deep tanning oil, with the understanding that it must be burned before tanning. From the 1990s to the early 2000s, tanning beds were all the rage. This is as dangerous as the sun when it comes to skin cancer. Today, when we remember those times, and of course, we are clinging to them.

Sunburn damage to the skin can occur in just 15 minutes. Harmful rays, UV light or UV light can cause serious skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the country. The CDC reports that approximately 4.3 million adults are treated for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma each year.

Non-fatal (but still annoying) sun-related skin injuries include dry skin, photoaging and premature wrinkles, photokeratosis (small sandpaper-like ridges) and black spots or other discoloration. It will be. Avoiding overexposure to UV rays and sunlight should begin as a child. The effects of sunlight damage are cumulative.

Wearing protective clothing is an easy way to keep the sun safe. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your face. Stick in the shade during the sunny hours of the day (March-October 10 am-4pm and November-February 9 am-3pm). Long sleeves and trousers or long skirts provide adequate protection, but when the weather gets hot, a more practical approach may be to apply sunscreen. Wide spectrum SPF of 15 or more is optimal and regular reapplication is important.

SPF is an abbreviation for sun protection factor. A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays. SPF30 blocks 97 percent. SPF 50 blocks 98 percent and SPF 100 blocks 99 percent. In most cases, SPF 30-50 provides adequate protection when used properly.

Mineral sunscreens, also called physical sunscreens, contain either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and, like a shield, are the physical barrier between the skin and the sun’s rays. Chemical sunscreen absorbs the sun’s rays and prevents them from being damaged like a sponge. The choice is subjective. Mineral sunscreens can be thick and hard to rub. The best sunscreen choice is which one to use.

Heat rash

Sometimes referred to as thorny fever or heat rash, a fever rash occurs when trapped in sweat-filled pores. It can look like red ridges or blisters and can be very itchy, painful, or thorny. It is common to people of all ages. Babies most often experience heat rash on the neck, chest, and shoulders. Areas of the body with wrinkled skin, such as under the arms, groin, wrinkles on the elbows, and the back of the knees, are also the main areas of heat rash.

Heat rash can be mild or ruthless, depending on its type. Heat rash is the mildest form, affecting only the sweat glands / pores in the uppermost layers of the skin, causing clear blisters that break easily. A little deep heat rash, heat rash causes itching and prickly red ridges. When the heat rash becomes inflamed, it becomes filled with pus, at which point it becomes heat rash. When a fever rash affects the deeper skin layer (dermis), it forms weeping, flesh-colored lesions and passes through the heat rash Monica.

Heat rash usually heals spontaneously, but if the symptoms persist for more than a few days, or if the rash worsens or becomes infected, consult your doctor or healthcare provider. Signs of infection are pain, swelling, warmth, and redness. Drainage; fever and / or swelling of lymph nodes.

Tropical climates, overheating, prolonged rest, and exercise can all contribute to heat rash. Newborns are most vulnerable because their sweat glands are not fully developed.

Treatment of heat rash is as easy as chilling to get rid of the rash. Calamine lotion can relieve itchy rashes. Anhydrous lanolin, available from several manufacturers on the market, can prevent new lesions and, in the worst case, can be prescribed topical steroids.

Prevention is to stay calm. Wear loose, lightweight clothing and spend time in the shade or in an air-conditioned indoor space. Bath in cold water and use unscented soap to allow the skin to air dry. Use calamine lotion to relieve itching and avoid lotions and creams containing mineral oils and petrolatum as they are known as pore cloggers.

Stab wounds and puncture wounds

Insect bites and puncture wounds are not fun. If you spend a lot of time outdoors or in your backyard, you may occasionally get bitten by insects. Bee bites, mosquito bites, and other unpleasant encounters are usually itchy and sometimes painful, but usually less serious. In rare cases, bites and stings (honeybees, bees, wasps, fire ants, scorpions, etc.) can cause serious reactions. Insects such as the West Nile virus also carry the disease.

What to look for:

  • Bee stings leave a red welt in a white ring.
  • When bitten by a flea, a small itchy wheal remains on the skin, often on the ankles and legs.
  • Itchy pink skin rises after being bitten by a mosquito. In rare cases, it causes a severe allergic reaction.
  • Spider bite causes minor symptoms such as redness, swelling, and pain in the area, as well as very serious symptoms that require urgent treatment.
  • Mites can carry Lyme disease. Their bites leave a rash that looks like an expanding bull’s eye.

Treatment of mild stings or bites:

  • Move indoors or in a safe place to avoid being stabbed or stabbed.
  • If any needles remain, remove them.
  • Wash the area with soap and water.
  • To reduce pain and swelling, soothe the area with a cloth, moisten it with cold water, or fill it with ice. If you have an arm or leg injury, lift it.
  • Chew or sting with a small amount of calamine lotion, baking soda paste, or 0.5 or 1 percent hydrocortisone cream every few hours until symptoms disappear.
  • Take antihistamines such as benedryl to relieve itching.

If someone has been stabbed or bitten, call 911.

  • Urticaria
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Scorpion sashimi and kids
  • Nausea, convulsions
  • vomiting
  • Confusion, dizziness
  • syncope
  • Dyspnea
  • Swelling of the eyelids, lips and throat

In such an emergency, ask if the person has an emergency device such as an epinephrine autoinjection pen and if he needs help using it. Loosen the snug clothes, cover the person with a blanket, and do not serve any drinks. You may suffocate. If the person shows no signs of circulation such as movement or breathing, start CPR.

For lifestyle content and health tips to stay healthy this spring and summer, visit the following websites: INTEGRIS Health Blog..

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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