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Long-term incentive program rewards the Oslo Stock Exchange: BWO


New Long Term Incentive Program Awards

With reference to the stock market press release of April 8, 2019.

The Board of Directors of BW Offshore Limited ("BWO" or the "Company") approved the allocation of stock options under the long-term incentive program (LTIP ) adopted on 14e March 2019, to align the interests of participating employees with those of the Company's shareholders. This is the second annual prize under the RILT. The RILT is discretionary and participants are invited on an annual basis.

The total number of options granted under LTIP for 2020 is 1,832,250, each option giving the holder the right to acquire one BW Offshore share. A total of 59 BW Offshore employees were invited to participate in the program.

The exercise price of options is calculated on the basis of the volume-weighted average price five trading days before the grant date, increased by a premium of 15.76% (corresponding to an annual increase of 5% over 3 years). The exercise price of the options granted on March 6, 2020 is NOK 41.88.

The options will have a three-year vesting period, followed by a three-year exercise period. Exercise windows will be defined by the Company. The options will expire 6 years after the grant date.

The Company's exposure relating to the 2020 allotment will be covered by a total return swap agreement (TRS) with financial exposure to 1,832,250 BWO shares.

Options are non-negotiable and are conditional on the option holder being employed by the Company and not resigning or being dismissed for just cause before the date of the option. 39; acquisition.

The following key insiders of the Corporation have obtained options under the LTIP for 2020:

1. Managing Director, Marco Beenen

Options granted: 306,250

Total number of options: 656,250

Shares held: 41,455

2. Commercial Director, Rune degaard Bjorbekk

Options granted: 100,625

Total number of options: 215,625

Shares held: 153,145

3. CFO, Stle Hkon Andreassen

Options granted: 100,625

Total number of options: 137,625

Shares held: 229,273

4. Director of operations, Kei Ikeda

Options granted: 100,625

Total number of options: 215,625

Shares held: 11,901

5. General Counsel, Magda Iqbal Karim Vakil

Options granted: 100,625

Total number of options: 137,625

Shares held: 14,834 (including the property of a close associate)

6. Head of Corporate Finance, Anders Stoud Platou

Options granted: 32,375

Total number of options: 69,375

Shares held: 0

7. Senior Legal Counsel, Yip Ming Yen

Options granted: 21,875

Total number of options: 40,875

Shares held: 0

8. IR & Communications Manager, Una Skram Holmen

Options granted: 16,625

Total number of options: 35,625

Shares held: 4,507 (including the property of a close associate)

For further information, please contact:

Stle Andreassen, CFO, +65 97 27 86 47

Anders S. Platou, Corporate Finance Manager, +47 99 50 47 40

[email protected] or

Sure BW Offshore:

BW Offshore is a leading provider of floating production services for the oil and gas industry. The company is also involved in the development of proven offshore oil tanks. BW Offshore is represented in all the main oil and gas regions of the world with a fleet of 15 FPSOs held. The company has over 30 years of production experience, having executed 40 FPSO and FSO projects. BW Offshore is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements in accordance with section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

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