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The White House orders US intelligence agencies to investigate WHO, China into handling the COVID-19; US lists WHO reforms, calls for Taiwan’s inclusion in AMS, restricts funding for PPE aid



ABC: White House Orders Intelligence Agencies to Investigate China, World Health Organization
“The White House has ordered US intelligence agencies to examine intercepted communications and other data to see if China and perhaps the World Health Organization had concealed information about the new coronavirus early on, they said. Two administration officials told ABC News The investigation is a sign of President Donald Trump’s new hard line on China amid questions about his own response to the pandemic. After initially greeting Xi Jinping and the “Transparency” of his government, the president even suggested that his administration would demand compensation from Beijing … “(Finnegan / Phelps, 4/29).

Foreign police: WHO becomes the battleground as Trump chooses pandemic confrontation rather than cooperation
“… The United States and Japan are asking major like-minded countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, to co-sign a draft letter to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, CEO of the WHO, asking him to invite the Taiwanese delegation to the World Health Assembly, the main decision-making body of the United Nations agency for health, which should meet practically in mid-May … “(Lynch, 4 / 29).

The Guardian: United States gives G7 countries list of reforms they want WHO to undertake
“The United States has presented its G7 partners with a list of reforms that Washington would like to undertake at the World Health Organization following the coronavirus pandemic. The proposals, which were shared on Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with the ministries of health of the other six member states, suggest organizational changes aimed at strengthening WHO’s independence and transparency. . However, G7 diplomats said they had not been informed if the HHS proposals represented a complete list of US conditions for resuming funding from the World Health Organization… “(Borger, 4/30) .

Humanitarian news: United States Adds Restriction On Foreign Aid Funding For COVID-19 Supplies
“Hundreds of millions of dollars in US international aid funding for COVID-19 can no longer be used to purchase medical masks and gloves without specific approval, according to new directive from President Donald’s administration Trump has learned from the New Humanitarian. Using a new clause in its grant agreements, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will require aid agencies to obtain prior authorization to purchase items. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or ventilator keys. Unless significant waivers are granted, NGO officials said, the effectiveness of USAID COVID-19 funding has been questioned. Supplies, which protect health and other front-line workers, for other operations – including the fight against Ebola – could also be interrupted es… ”(Parker, 4/29).

The hill: Pompeo renews its calls to China to provide the United States with access to Wuhan laboratories (Kelly, 4/29).

NBC: The Trump administration asks intelligence agencies to find out if China and the WHO have withheld information about the coronavirus pandemic (Dilanian et al., 4/29).

NBC: Senior Chinese official challenges Trump over coronavirus response, says weeks lost in the United States (Frayer / Suliman, 4/29).

NPR: Why the US government stopped funding a research project on bats and coronaviruses (Aizenman, 4/29).

Reuters: The British envoy to Washington supports an investigation into the origins of a pandemic, the WHO reforms (Holton / Shalal, 4/29).

VOA: US funding from WHO could lead to increased disabilities, experts say (Strother, 4/30).

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