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Student funds new scholarship for international computer science students



By Chris Kocher

April 30, 2020

International students can face additional challenges when they come to American universities, leaving family and friends behind for studies that lead to successful careers.

In early 2019, Subhachandra Chandra, MS 95, and his wife, Nandita Dukkipati, made a significant donation to the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, which will fund the Chandra Family scholarship. It will go to a first year international graduate student specializing in computer science, with a preference for a female student.

Since graduating from Watson School, Chandra received his doctorate in computer science from the University of Michigan in 2000 and has worked as a programmer and director in several Silicon Valley startups. He is currently the Director of Engineering at Ghost Locomotion.

Q: What inspired you to create the Chandra family scholarship?

Nandita: We believe that quality education is the cornerstone of improving everyone’s quality of life. Although elementary, secondary and undergraduate studies are a key part of general education, we believe that it is important to support higher education to cultivate deep interests in a field as well as to advance science and technology peak.

Chandra: We believe that education is the foundation of a better future for the world and for an individual. Graduate degrees funded by university and research grants have offered us many opportunities. This scholarship is a small way for us to recognize the immense help we have received and to offer similar opportunities to future students.

Q: Why did you decide to help first-year graduate students, in particular, who specialize in computer science?

Nandita: The first year of graduate school is the most difficult jump financially for many students. Without having a solid foundation in school, it can often be difficult to receive research or teaching assistants. Our goal is to facilitate the transition of students to higher education.

Chandra: Since Nandita and I are both computer majors, we have a soft spot for our hearts in this area. Many students are faced with the difficult choice between enrolling in a graduate degree or starting a job for financial reasons. We hope this will help someone to follow the desired path without financial considerations.

Q: Why is it important to you that international students receive your support?

Nandita: Many times, international students and women take the risk of embarking on an adventure of uncertainty. We felt it was important to support those who made this leap.

Chandra: I have worked in Silicon Valley for about 20 years, and everyone agrees that diversity is important to success. Yet we are still struggling to make it a reality in science and technology, especially in IT. I hope that by supporting international and female students, we will help increase diversity in the field we have chosen.

Q: Chandra, how did your education at Binghamton help you achieve your dreams?

Chandra: The master’s program at Binghamton exposed me to advanced topics in CS and gave my first introduction to the nascent Internet. He also taught me to conduct research through my master’s thesis. This laid the foundation for me to get a PhD from the University of Michigan and work on cutting edge technologies in Silicon Valley.

Q: You both also supported the Binghamton Fund for the Watson School. Your donation really makes a difference! What do you hope to see with your support?

Chandra: We hope to see future students take advantage of the opportunities offered by Watson School and achieve their goals and dreams.

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