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Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine 80% effective against B1.617.2 variant: UK study | Indian news

Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine 80% effective against B1.617.2 variant: UK study | Indian news


London: Oxford / AstraZeneca or Pfizer A new study by the British government reports that the vaccine is more than 80% effective in preventing infection by the B1.617.2 mutant of Covid-19, which was first discovered in India.
Oxford / AstraZeneca double vaccination Serum Institute of India So Kobi Shield It is administered to the adult population of India to protect it from deadly viruses.
UK findings are said to be based on public data health England (PHE) also found that two doses provide 87% protection from the B.117 mutant. It was first discovered in the Kent region of England and is considered highly contagious.
According to The Telegraph, the latest findings were submitted to a meeting of the government’s New Respiratory Virus Threat Advisory Group (Nervtag) this week.
According to the latest PHE statistics released earlier this week, the number of cases of the B1.617.2 variant has increased by 2,111 over the past week to reach 3,424 cases nationwide.
“I think it’s clearly growing, which anyone can see from the numbers reported weekly,” said Dr. Jeffrey Barrett, director of Covid-19 Genomics at the Sanger Institute. It was. BBC..
“If you have to guess today, it will be 20% or 30% instead of 50% (more infectious than the Kent variant), but there is still uncertainty, 50% is the reasonable worst. It could be a scenario for, “he says. Said in relation to the infection rate of the first volatile mutant (VOC) of concern detected in India.
Meanwhile, PHE officials are also closely monitoring the subspecies (VUI) under investigation in the highly contagious Yorkshire region of England.
It comes as United Kingdom National Health Service The NHS has announced that it will further expand its vaccination program and will begin booking reservations for people aged 32 and 33 in addition to the cohort aged 34 and over from Saturday.
The NHS England said that more than 4 out of 10 adults have both jabs, resulting in a third eligibility expansion in just one week.
“Only days after expanding vaccine offerings to ages 34 and 35, we are now offering invitations to ages 32 and 33, which is a staggering of the largest and most successful vaccination program in NHS history. It’s a big step forward, “said Matt Hancock, UK Health Minister.
“This is an amazing NHS and care staff, volunteers, and nationwide that has provided over 50 million jabs across the UK at super-fast speeds and put us on track to provide vaccines to everyone. It’s a true testament to the heroic work of the local government. July, “he said.
Meanwhile, the Department of Health (DHSC) states that it is enhancing sewage and wastewater testing and genomic sequencing to track and track all variants of Covid-19, including the B1.617.2 variant.
A new laboratory dedicated to wastewater analysis was opened last month in Exeter, southwest England, making it one of the largest laboratories. Wastewater Processing laboratories around the world. Increased genomic sequencing of sewage samples is expected to provide more clues to where the variant of concern may circulate undetected within the community. You can pick up evidence of mutations from infected people and continue to monitor sewage after a surge test is completed in an area.
“The sequence of wastewater samples provides an additional detection system for variant of concern, enabling more effective response to outbreaks and improved protection of citizens,” said the UK’s Chief Executive Officer. The person in charge, Dr. Jenny Harries, said.
“This innovative program supports the work of Public Health England and NHS Test and Trace and helps us understand where the virus may be circulating undetected,” she says. I did.
Wastewater samples are taken from approximately 500 locations in the United Kingdom and sent to the Exeter Science Park Institute. Environmental Agency scientists analyze the sample to quantify the amount of Covid-19 present.
“Analyzing wastewater and detecting mutations early as infections diminish and break away from national regulations will prevent local governments and NHS Test and Trace from acting swiftly and spreading mutations to the community. It’s important to help, “said the program leader at the Joint Biosecurity Center Dr. Andrew Engeri.
Experts said this type of surveillance in catchments can accurately identify outbreaks in smaller areas and neighborhoods, without having to rely on individuals coming in front to test swabs. .. Some pilots analyze wastewater from specific agencies, such as in food supply chains and prisons.



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