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Is Nvidia's GeForce a flop? 2K Games retires after Activision Blizzard and other major game producers


2020 doesn't seem like a good year for Nvidia because has just decided to withdraw from Nvidia's GeForce game streaming platform. With that, Nvidia now has a few partners.

Recently, Activision Blizzard Games, Bethesda Softworks and other studios have reported leaving GeForce. Most of the more popular games are no longer available on this platform, which leads fans to ask the question: is this streaming platform still worth it? Nvidia confirmed that the withdrawal of 2K Games from the platform took place on Friday afternoon, March 6.

Is Nvidia's GeForce a flop? 2K Games retires after Activision Blizzard and other major game producers

(Photo: Screenshot of the official 2K Facebook page)
Nvidia's GeForce loses 2K Games

Nvidia GeForce becomes desperate

With the loss of Activision Blizzard and Bethesda Softworks, the gaming platform started to crumble while other publishers like Rockstar Games, Square Enix and even Capcom also started to leave. The loss of these major game publishers immediately paralyzed Nvidia's GeForce since the launch of its streaming platform. This led Nvidia to even put games on their platforms without the proper developer approval, which then backfired. It seems like they're out of motion, and if people don't pick up on this gaming platform, they can run straight into the ground.

The concept is quite brilliant

Instead of having to download and buy all the games that players want to play, the idea of ​​Nvidia was to offer them a streaming platform to be able to play the games in no time, by simply paying a subscription per month! It sounds like a great idea, but there are many gaps in the concept of this platform. The first would be to know how Nvidia's GeForce would pay game publishers and not become direct competition to the very publishers whose games they offer?

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The second most critical drawback of this streaming option is from the player point of view, where a player does not always stream through games but rather pushes a single game for a while until that player has finished the whole game or be quite tired of the game. In any case, streaming games are not really a culture among players, so it can be difficult to get the idea going. It would be nice to try new games from time to time, but for the longevity of the subscription, it doesn't seem too attractive to the professional player. The worst part is that players can only play the games they already own on Steam, Ubisoft's uPlay or Epic Games Store. It seems to be quite a waste.

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What is Geforce doing with Nvidia right now?

Apparently GeForce offers a really affordable package but first tries to lure players in with an hour-long free trial session to everyone and sells their membership for $ 4.99 per month, which continues for the next nine months and offers unlimited playing time for players. Nvidia's GeForce is in trouble if it doesn't bring better games to its platform, but after the loss of massive publishing companies, which would continue to partner with them?

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