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Comedian Pete Davidson tears up Chrissy Teigen on SNL for cyberbullying

Comedian Pete Davidson tears up Chrissy Teigen on SNL for cyberbullying


On Saturday Night Live, funny man Pete Davidson blasted actress Chrissy Teigen over her cyberbullying scandal.

During the SNL Weekend Update, Davidson targeted the 35-year-old actress and entrepreneur, who was widely criticized for her comments to model and media personality Courtney Stodden.

“If there’s one good thing about the pandemic, besides taking Chrissy Teigen out of our lives,” Pete Davidson began.

The live audience can be heard responding with a few boos as well as cheers and laughs, but that didn’t stop Davidson, who went on to say, “I’m relieved.”

The SNL clip later went viral on Twitter with thousands of people jumping online to have their say.

Some fans found Davidson’s comments funny.

“It’s awesome. I love Pete!” noticed a Twitter user.

“Pete is # 21stCentury Gold. Better be back next season,” remarked another.

“Thank you for saying what we all think of Ch ** ssy Tei * en,” another supporter exclaimed, while a few questioned the relevance of the comments.

“He’s not wrong but he didn’t have to say it,” said a lucid fan.

While another went further, showing disgust: “Considering the rather startling and heartfelt apology Chrissy Teigen offered, your ‘joke’ was very mean and petty; just a college average.”

Teigen, married to Grammy-winning singer John Legend, with whom she has two children, found her apology wasn’t enough to get out of the virtual hot water she suddenly found herself in.

Controversy was sparked recently when Stodden, who identifies as non-binary and uses their pronouns, was made public earlier claiming that Teigen tracked them down online and even told them to kill themselves.

Stodden – who is also a singer / songwriter – accused Teigen, Joy Behar and Courtney Love of sending them hateful messages on social media both publicly and in their DMs, and claimed neither of the women had tried to apologize for their alleged actions. .

Stodden claimed that “some of the worst treatment” they received has been at the hands of other women.

They said: “[Chrissy] I wouldn’t just tweet publicly about wanting me to take a ‘nap’, but DM myself in private and tell myself to kill myself. Things like, “I can’t wait for you to die.” “

Teigen apologized after Stodden spoke out, taking to Twitter to tell Stodden that she was “deeply sorry” for her past behavior.

She wrote in a series of tweets: “Not many people are lucky enough to be held accountable for all their bulls *** in front of the whole world. I’m mortified and sad for who I was. I was a little troll. self-confident and looking for attention.

“I am ashamed and completely embarrassed for my behavior but it… is nothing compared to how I made Courtney feel. I have worked so hard to give you joy and to be loved and the feeling. to let you down is almost unbearable, really. These are not my only mistakes and will surely not be the last as hard as I try but God I will try !! “

The public apology was not enough to save Teigen’s reputation, however, forcing her to take down her social media accounts to end the online assault.

The blow to Teigen’s reputation also caused great damage to his career, with Bloomingdale’s department store chain pulling out of hiring Teigen to host a promotional event.

The move comes after Bloomingdale’s parent company Macy’s pulled Teigen’s range of cookware from shelves last week.

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