Warning for naturalized spiders to bite as numbers skyrocket
Scientists have discovered that in the wake of the surge in numbers in the UK and Ireland, bites from naturalized spiders are so severe that they may require hospital treatment.
Spider and medical professionals have been discussing the threat posed by noble false widow for years.
A new study published in the international medical journal Clinical Toxicology confirms that some victims of bites have symptoms that resemble true black widow spiders and require hospitalization in severe cases.
Originating from the Madeira and Canary Islands, the noble false widow Steatoda nobilis can now be one of the most invasive species in the world. First recorded in the UK over 140 years ago, the number of species has increased sharply in recent decades, greatly expanding its range and density.
The reason behind this sudden expansion is not clear.
Scientists have ruled out climate change as a possible cause, but suggest that new genetic mutations may have adapted climate change to the new environment.
They also hitchhiking containers and crates around the world and appear to benefit from an ever-growing global economy.
Human movements have contributed significantly to the spread of this species throughout Europe, North Africa, West Asia, and parts of the Americas.
In parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, it is one of the most common spider species found in and around urban habitats.
With the rise of naturalized spiders around the home, bites have become more common and scientists are beginning to recognize the full medical importance of these spiders.
Venom symptoms (the process by which a venom is injected by a bite) can range from mild to debilitating pain to mild to intense swelling, both locally and systemically.
Some victims experience tremors, decreased or elevated blood pressure, nausea, and movement disorders.
In rare cases, victims were slightly injured at the bite site or had to be treated for a severe bacterial infection.
NUI Goalway’s team of scientists has established a DNA database that allows case clinicians to use genetic analysis to confirm species identity.
Dr. Michel Dugon, head of the NUI Goalway Poison Systems Lab and senior author of the study, said: ‘In addition to medically important poisons, naturalized spiders are wild, highly adaptable and competitive.
“Twenty years ago, this species was little known in Ireland, Great Britain, or the continent of Europe.
“We still have a lot to learn about its genetics, origin, behavior and development. One thing is certain: this species stays here and we have to learn how to live with it. It will not be.
Dr. John Dunbar, a postdoctoral fellow in NUI Goalway’s lab and lead author of the study, said:
“Our latest research undoubtedly confirms that naturalized spiders can cause serious poisons.
“This species is increasing its range and population density, which will undoubtedly lead to increased bites.
“Most of the time, mild results are obtained, but naturalized spider bites need to be carefully monitored to understand the potential range of symptoms and to be treated in severe cases.”
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