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Alaska LNG obtains a major environmental permit


The LNG project in Alaska finally received the federal environmental impact statement from an 800-mile pipeline connecting the north slope to Nikiski.

After six years, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has released the final EIA, which is a required analysis of the project's environmental impacts and associated mitigation measures.

The EIS is a big step towards obtaining the federal approval required to build and operate the project. The FERC is expected to issue the final order for Alaska LNG in June for the project, which is expected to cost between $ 40 and $ 65 billion.

However, at current market prices, the pipeline cannot attract the private sector.

Governor Bill Walker bows to Chinese President Xi Jinping as Chinese presidents throw fuel at Anchorage.

Former Governor Bill Walker had placed the Chinese government and its associated financial institutions in control of the project with various signed agreements, some of which were abandoned by the Dunleavy administration, which returned to the "private sector" model. # 39; first. "

"The final EIS is an important step in the LNG licensing process in Alaska – a process still with significant hurdles," said Governor Mike Dunleavy.

"I appreciate the diligence of the AGDC team throughout this process. We look forward to reviewing the EIS and receiving the FERC decision package, at which time we will assess our next steps. The FERC license is an important element in determining whether the Alaska LNG, which is to be run by a private company, is competitive and economically advantageous for development. "

The project faces significant headwinds, as the bank after the big bank announced that it would no longer participate in projects involving oil and gas drilling in the Arctic. UBS, a Swiss bank, has joined Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Chase Morgan to lift Alaska's oil and gas economy from its list of future investments.

The Center for Biological Diversity released a statement opposing the project, saying it would be bad for Alaska, polar bears and whales.

More information on Alaska LNG, the EIS and the authorization process for the project is available at

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