Croatia reopens museums, Zagreb earthquake creates restrictions in the capital
As Sasa Paparella / Poslovni Dnevnik writes on May 1, 2020, large European museums such as the Rijksmuseum and the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna or the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam lose between 100,000 and 600,000 euros a week due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Croatian museums reopen, but the Zagreb earthquake has left traces of those here in the capital …
With museums reopening across Croatia, only three museums in Zagreb opened their doors this week: Museum of Contemporary Art (MSU), Kloviovevi Dvori Gallery and Typhlological Museum. According to the Ministry of Culture, three other museums are expected to open on Tuesday, May 5: the Ethnographic Museum, the Art Museum and Atelier Mestrovic.
Zagreb Last Earthquake: There was no group evacuation plan
In the recent Zagreb earthquake, many museums in the capital were severely damaged, and it now appears that there is no plan to evacuate their collections in place at all.
The museums organize the evacuation of the building with its founders. In this regard, the Ministry of Culture is currently finding a solution for two museums – the Croatian History Museum and the Croatian Sports Museum – their buildings are marked in red, which means that it is not possible for them to continue their operations without first performing a comprehensive examination. Building restoration. In addition, the Museum of the Croatian School also has a red mark on the building, ” reads a statement from the relevant ministry, whose jurisdiction includes other museums that were damaged as a result of the Zagreb earthquake.
The Zagreb earthquake also severely destroyed many museums under the jurisdiction of the city of Zagreb: the Archaeological Museum, MUO, and the Croatian Museum of Natural History. Poslovni Dnevnik sent an inquiry to Zagreb, but they have not yet received an answer if they have a plan in place as the material will be temporarily moved.
Most museums of national importance are located in Zagreb
This week, Minister of Culture Nina Obolgin Korzenik decided to implement a list of damage caused by the Zagreb earthquake to museum materials. The damage list will be compiled by museum experts in coordination with the Museum Documentation Center (MDC).
According to data from the Register of Museums, Galleries and Collections of the MDC in the Republic of Croatia, in the city of Zagreb alone, there are 41 museums (which also includes groups of displaced people) containing 3.5 million or 57 percent of all museums in Croatia in 615 museum collections.
According to the Museum Law, the deadline for completing an inventory and entering museum materials and documents into the cultural property registry of the Republic of Croatia is December 31, 2020.
Again in mid-December 2019, a few months before the Zagreb earthquake, a conference on the protection of the cultural heritage of Zagreb in crises was organized by the Emergency Management Office. The presentation then concluded that “the investment funds provided by the museum’s founders are insufficient for adequate preventive protection”, and that “the reconstruction is primarily cosmetic adjustments and not structural reinforcements.”
According to data from the MDC website, 40 percent of museums and documentation materials in Zagreb museums are still not stored, and only nine percent of the total number of museums have been digitized. Most of the museum buildings are historical and not built for a specific purpose, and in the 21st century, the Museum of Contemporary Art was built only for this purpose, which really lacked storage space.
Guarantees that contain the largest number of elements are placed on the lower floors or attics of the (old) buildings in adverse climatic conditions, at risk of floods and sewage damage, as well as fires and damage to installations.
Obviously, there will be no quick return to normal …
With regard to the other global problem affecting the profession of museums, MDC has published the results of the study of the European Museum Organization Network (NEMO) entitled: The effect of COVID-19 on museums in Europe and the world.
The study, which included museums from all 27, concluded that “according to the first results of this survey, which was conducted until April 17, 2020 in 650 museums in 41 countries, it is clear that there will be no rapid return to normal.” The European Union member states and nine members of the Council of Europe. Various museums have been received from the United States, the Philippines, Malaysia, French Polynesia and Iran.
Most museums (92 percent) in Europe and around the world are closed because of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. By closing its doors to visitors, many museums have already suffered, or will feel, a huge loss in revenue. This is especially true of large museums, as well as those in tourist areas that have reported a financial loss in a range of up to 80 per cent of their regular revenue, which increases every week due to the complete prohibition of any tourist activities, but also because of the possibility of restrictions in the summer.
Unfortunately, some museums will permanently close their doors.
This means that 30 per cent of museums lose up to 1,000 euros per week, 25 per cent of museums lose up to 5,000 euros per week, 13 per cent lose up to 30,000 euros per week, and five per cent of museums You lose more than 50,000 euros a week. As previously touched upon, large museums, such as the Rijksmuseum and the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna or the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, lose between 100,000 euros and up to 600,000 euros per week.
Private museums have not provided any accurate digital data, but since most of their profits come directly from sales, some have already indicated that they have lost their entire budget during their closure, and the fear is that the end result of the coronavirus crisis will be the permanent closure of their organization.
For many closed museums, reopening dates have not yet been firmly set. The museums that responded to the survey expect that they may open their doors to visitors no later than September 2020.
When it comes to other sources of revenue, the survey says that many museums indicate that they have already or will reach national funding programs for this crisis situation. These programs mostly include coverage of wage expenditures and loss of income.
Museums from 12 countries have reported that discussions on crisis finance programs for culture are continuing, in eight countries such funds already exist, and museums from 15 countries state that there is currently no crisis financing program operating in their countries. These programs vary from country to country – some are exclusively applied to publicly funded institutions and others are exclusively for independent careers. Most museums still do not require layoffs. About 70 percent of museums reported that they modified their staff’s tasks to meet current needs, and 50 percent of museums said that more than 80 percent of their employees are currently working from their homes.
More than 60 percent of museums have increased their online presence.
The survey said the situation is not the same for part-time employees, nor is it the same for volunteer programs that have been suspended entirely in most museums.
More than 60 percent of museums have increased their online presence since their closure, while 13.4 percent have increased their budget through online activities. Most museums use social networks more than they did before, using hashtags and presenting individual items to their audiences.
In addition, the number of virtual tours and exhibitions online has increased. Of the museums that responded to the survey, 40 percent noted an increase in internet traffic since it was closed to the public. Of this percentage, 41% see a weekly increase in their site visits by up to 20%, and 13% of them see an increase of 500% per week.
The most popular internal communication tools and platforms for museum staff who work from home turned out to be Zoom or Skype for group video chatting and chatting – Microsoft Teams and Whatsapp.
Two-thirds of museums have increased their activities on social networks, almost 80 percent of them use Facebook, and almost 20 percent use Instagram as a platform. Many museums are considering increasing their activities in podcasts, live broadcasts, and games.
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