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Russia now has the second-highest prevalence of Covid-19 in the coronavirus outbreak as other countries are deregulating.


Up to 2% of Moscow’s population may be infected with the coronavirus. The city’s mayor warned Saturday, as hospitals in the Russian capital were overwhelmed and another top government responded positively.

Covid-19 took root relatively late in Russia, but is now growing rapidly, with the country’s second highest prevalence of illness. The 9,623 new cases recorded on Saturday indicate that the infection has not reached a plateau.

If the estimate of Moscow Mayor Sergeisovanyanin is correct, more than 240,000 people may be infected with the virus, four times the city’s official. Hospitals in the capital are already capable, and there is a television image showing an ambulance that must wait hours to deliver an infected one.

On Friday officials announced that the Minister of Housing was the latest top executive with a positive response. Vladimir Putin hasn’t been photographed in public for nearly a month and works in his residence on the outskirts of Moscow.

Outbreaks may have gone undetected and go undetected in other areas initially thought to have escaped the worst of the disease.

In Somalia, doctors, funeral workers, and burrowers report More deaths than ever before In the recent capital city of Mogadishu, it is suggested that the official number of deaths in Covid-19 (601 confirmed cases at present and 28 deaths) reflects only a small proportion of virus victims. doing.

Ambulance driver Mohamed Osman Warsame has transported 15 to 18 corpses daily to the capital’s cemetery every day for the past two weeks, far more than the usual two to four daily. Told. “There are a lot of dead, it’s like a deadly war. People are dying so quickly,” said Warsame.

In Bali, the entire village was blocked after a quick test revealed that hundreds of inhabitants were probably infected. Jakarta Post report. Of the 1,200 initial tests, 400 returned responsive results. Authorities will follow up with a swab test to check for infection rates.

Increasing efforts to stop the spread of the disease have raised concerns about human rights and civil liberties. Malaysia has since been criticized by the UN Detained hundreds of illegal immigrantsIncludes infants and Rohingya refugees as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus.

The UN said the arrests could mask vulnerable groups and prevent them from seeking treatment, warning that overcrowded detention centers carry a high risk of spreading the virus.

Indian privacy advocates have also attacked government mandates requiring all employees in the public and private sectors to use government-backed Bluetooth tracing apps.

Critics warn that it is unclear how the data will be used. They stress that India lacks the privacy laws that govern apps. New Delhi states that the app does not violate privacy as all data is collected anonymously.

Today, with more than 3.4 million cases of coronavirus and 238,000 deaths worldwide, many countries beyond the peak of infection are working to reduce lockdown restrictions.

Singapore’s health minister will begin mitigation on Saturday after a second wave of coronaviruses focused on the dormitory of crowded migrant workers in the state, after some students were allowed to return to school later this month. I said.

Adults on Saturday in Spain Allowed to exercise For the first time since March. When the country returned to work, the government mandated face masks for buses, tubes and trains. About 15 million people will be distributed by the authorities and charities.

But all governments are moving cautiously, fearing the second wave. In China, Harbin in the northeast is eating at restaurants and cafes, and in other countries the restrictions on Mayday holidays were relaxed.

Mainland China reported only one new case on Saturday, according to Reuters data, but Heilongjiang is now addressing the country’s largest remnant coronavirus complex, with 140 recent local infections. .

In the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, there has been a focus on how and why housing has become a deadly incubator for this disease.

Nursing home for the elderly New York Reported 98 “terrifying” deaths from coronaviruses. This is one of the worst outbreaks in the country, and it’s shocking even the blockbuster New York. The official count of deaths in nursing homes listed only 13 as of Friday.

In the UK, coronavirus deaths surged this week After authorities begin to count deaths from national nursing homes Along with death in the hospital. Britain is now the third-largest in the world with 27,510 deaths, According to Johns Hopkins University Tracker, Behind the United States and Italy only.

In Australia, the virus was under much faster control, but deaths continued to increase in nursing homes in western Sydney. Thirteen residents, accounting for more than 10% of the nation’s death toll of just 93, threaten to overtake the Ruby Princess Cruise ship as the single largest cause of death in the country.

In other parts of the world, key developments include:

  • The US Federal Drug Administration Used in emergencies for patients suffering from Covid-19.

  • Also in the United States, the White House banned Dr. Anthony Fauci, a government pandemic expert, from submitting evidence at a parliamentary hearing. He said it was not appropriate for the members of the pandemic response team to testify.

  • European tourism industry and host countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece Face ruined by virus shutdown. The European Commission estimates that EU hotels and restaurants will lose half of their income this year.

  • UK Government urged to prioritize spending in the poorest parts of the country After official statistics reveal that those areas bear the brunt of death From Covid-19. Read the report on living in one of the poorest autonomous regions in the United States. Newham in East London.

  • Economic sacrifice of crisis continued The stock market plunged On Friday, largely thanks to the ongoing word war between the United States and China. In the UK, the Financial Times reports that Rolls-Royce plans to reduce 8,000 of its 52,000 strong workforce.

  • Gavin Newtham, Governor of California, Promise to make “meaningful” changes Thousands of protesters gathered across the state to blame Lockdown, ignoring the ordinance and staying home for a few days.

  • Donald Trump told Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer that he should “make a deal” with anti-lockdown protesters after a group of heavily armed men have gathered at the State Capitol. Whitmer declined to trade in public health emergencies, but said some outdoor work could resume next week.

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