World-leading experts promise to establish vaccine reliability at the UK-sponsored Global Vaccine Confidence Summit
- The Global Vaccine Confidence Summit has convened world-leading experts and is committed to greater international cooperation to establish vaccine reliability globally.
- Speakers at the summit include British Government Rep. Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes, Secretary-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former Danish The Prime Minister and former CEO were included. Chairman of Save the Children International and Co-Chair of Facebook’s Supervisory Board.
London: As part of the G7 Presidency, the UK Government today hosted the world’s first event, the Global Vaccine Confidence Summit.
According to recent data published by YouGov, the UK remains at the top of the list of countries where people are willing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or are already vaccinated.
At the summit, world-leading experts at the forefront of efforts to establish vaccine reliability and address false alarms about vaccines are important to the government and partners that can take to address this issue. He gave his view on global action.
It was recognized that the level of reliability, accessibility and availability of vaccines needs to be increased globally to end the pandemic. One of the greatest threats to confidence in vaccines is false alarms, which can undermine public awareness of the safety and efficacy of vaccines.
Speech at the Summit Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care of the Government of the United Kingdom:
Confidence in vaccines is an international issue and requires international action. At this week’s G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting, we will discuss how to defeat this pandemic worldwide and how to overcome the global pandemic of false alarms and distrust that can hinder our response.
We have launched, led and defended the Global Vaccine Confidence Campaign, led by the G7 Global Vaccine Confidence Working Group, with the mission of promoting global confidence and confidence in vaccines.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes, Executive Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), gave a keynote speech at the summit and expressed his support by saying:
The main driving force for vaccination is public trust. Trust needs to be gained. Successful global vaccination requires governments to develop different strategies and tailor them to each country.
Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former Danish Prime Minister, former CEO of Save the Children International and co-chair of Facebook’s Supervisory Board, said at the summit:
We are familiar with vaccine repellent. This means that you should know what to do and do it quickly. Discussions in one country affect the trust and hesitation of another. The world is a small place. As a global community, we need to understand that no one is safe until everyone is safe.
Will Cathcart, Head of Whatsapp, said:
To reach billions of people, even the last one, you need to meet people where you are already. We believe that private messaging services can play an important role in ending this pandemic globally. We are proud of WhatsApp partnerships with more than 150 healthcare organizations.
Other speakers at the summit included Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to the President, and Dr. John Nkengason, the first director of the Africa CDC. What are the reliability of vaccines in the United States and Africa, respectively, and lessons related to other regions?
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said:
Science evolved with the epidemic, and I felt that the message was mixed as the pandemic progressed. But science self-corrects. New evidence and new data will require changes to pandemic approaches, recommendations, and guidelines.
Parliamentarian Wendy Morton, UK Minister for European Neighbors and the Americas, announced the continued efforts of the UK and its G7 partners to support efforts to ensure that vaccines are available and trusted worldwide. Did.
The UK’s Minister of Digital Culture, Caroline Dinenage MP, has called for greater international and cross-cutting cooperation to combat the threat of false alarms.
At the summit, the UK Government announced the ambitions of the G7’s vaccine reliability efforts to support global cooperation and more effective response to vaccine reliability and response to global false alarms. did.
- Innovative digital insight platforms provide not only global and local insights, but also trends regarding vaccine reliability and harmful false alarms that are trying to undermine it. Details will be announced shortly.
- A coalition of the world’s leading academic organizations to understand “infodemic” and promote a healthy information ecosystem. A coalition called IRIS is a collaborative project between the Vaccine Reliability Project (London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine), the University of Cambridge, the University of Rome Sapienza, the University of Cafoscari in Venice, and the London City University (and Alan Turing Institute). And Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.
An interactive photomosaic created in partnership with the British Government and People’s Photography entitled “The Luminaries” was also announced today. We use videos and images to showcase many of the world’s “vaccine leaders” who are using social media to build confidence in vaccines, including front-line healthcare professionals.The platform is Dedicated site Over the next year, we plan to feature more “Vaccine Luminaries” around the world.
The Global Vaccine Confidence Summit is part of the UK’s broader efforts as G7 chair this year, where vaccine dissemination, access and reliability are key factors and will put an end to the pandemic.
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