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Covid was detected in Melbourne’s 10 sewer systems and raised concerns

Covid was detected in Melbourne’s 10 sewer systems and raised concerns


Emergency alerts to thousands of Australians after Covid’s “unexpected detection” was found in sewage from 10 suburbs

  • Covid was found in 10 drainage suburbs of Melbourne.
  • Authorities warned that the virus could have been excreted in the body of an infectious person.
  • But that can also mean that Covid is in the community undetected, they say.

An emergency alert was issued after the new coronavirus was “unexpectedly” detected in 10 suburban sewer systems. Melbourne If there is no active case.

The Victorian Department of Health issued a warning on Sunday morning in the inner western and northern suburbs of Melbourne.

Authorities are concerned that undiagnosed cases of infection may occur within the community, and the city is blocked by a cluster of 71 infected people.

Suburban residents are required to be vigilant and to be tested for Covid immediately if symptoms occur, no matter how mild.

However, the Ministry of Health has urged the public not to panic, suggesting that an increase in Covid in sewage may be associated with older cases.

An emergency alert was issued after Covid was detected in Melbourne's 10 suburban sewer systems.

An emergency alert was issued after Covid was detected in Melbourne’s 10 suburban sewer systems.

The ministry guarantees that additional resources will be used to increase drainage inspections in the area and closely monitor the situation.

The ministry guarantees that additional resources will be used to increase drainage inspections in the area and closely monitor the situation.

Suburbs where warnings for new coronavirus infections were issued



Essendon West





Moonee Ponds

Park building


A spokeswoman said, “Unexpected discoveries could be due to someone who is no longer infectious and infected with COVID-19” continuing to shed “the virus, or an active but undiagnosed case. There is sex. ”

The ministry guarantees that additional resources will be used to increase drainage inspections in the area and closely monitor the situation.

This happened on Sunday when two new cases were recorded in Victoria. After a severe blockade for nine days, it was introduced to stop the spread of the Indian Covid strain of the variant.

The new case brings the total number of active cases in the state to 85, linking 72 to the Melbourne cluster and facilitating snap lockdown.

Victorians are still vaccinated against the virus, receiving 19,940 doses on Saturday alone and 613,914 doses so far this year.

Professor Tony Blakely, a top epidemiologist at the University of Melbourne, suggests that Victoria will continue to repeat and exit despised lockdowns until it reaches herd immunity.

Two new cases were recorded in Victoria on Sunday, introduced to stop the spread of the Indian Covid strain of the variant after a severe blockade for nine days.

Two new cases were recorded in Victoria on Sunday, introduced to stop the spread of the Indian Covid strain of the variant after a severe blockade for nine days.

Police cars pass through Melbourne's normally bustling Bourke Street Mall when the city enters the second week of its fourth Covid lockdown.

Police cars pass through Melbourne’s normally bustling Bourke Street Mall when the city enters the second week of its fourth Covid lockdown.

He said at least 80% of the states would need to be fully vaccinated to reach that goal.

“Maybe we won’t get herd immunity until next year when it’s fully open,” he said.

He said the advanced contact tracking system could allow health officials to begin advising the state to reopen with only half of the population vaccinated.

However, Victoria has so far been criticized for contact tracing and QR code systems, lagging behind other countries in requiring public check-in.

Walkers of the Royal Arcade on June 5th, as strict blockade restrictions continue in Melbourne

Walkers of the Royal Arcade on June 5th, as strict blockade restrictions continue in Melbourne

Educational nations are now implementing a unified check-in system, but the government has already failed as residents are on the verge of a fourth blockade and the state government has just extended the emergency 17 times. I feel as if.

On Tuesday, the Victorian Labor Government approved a state of emergency extension for another four weeks. That is, the Andrews administration can block about 7 million Australians by July 1.

The extension of the state of emergency does not mean that the lockdown will last until July 1, but it does empower the government to do so.

On Tuesday, the Victorian Labor Government approved a state of emergency extension for another four weeks. That is, the Andrews administration can block about 7 million Australians by July 1.

On Tuesday, the Victorian Labor Government approved a state of emergency extension for another four weeks. That is, the Andrews administration can block about 7 million Australians by July 1.



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