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Choose calm and tranquility in an angry and noisy world – the most reliable news source Boca Raton


By Rick Box

Three guests were invited to discuss an emotional topic in a talk show. The discussion between the two guests and the host became so hot that they started screaming at each other. (I know this has become almost a standard behavior in broadcast media these days, but I wanted to point out what happened next.)

Finally, after the shouting lasted for several minutes, the hostess stopped the bickering by asking the third guest, who was silent, for her opinion. Her quiet, thoughtful words suddenly brought order to chaos. Not only that, but her behavior also made her appear more credible than others with their screams.

In our world today, with noise coming to us from all directions, some have decided that the one who shouts louder wins. It is another saying of the old saying, “A sharp wheel gets fat.” In reality, however, the quiet, combined approach to communication is still the most effective and often the most influential one.

This is hardly a new revelation. The Bible, considered by some to be the greatest book on business and professional practice, has much to say about the strengths, weaknesses and pitfalls of the spoken word. For example, Proverbs 15: 1 says, “The gentle answer removes anger, but the harsh word provokes anger.” Another passage says, “A wise man’s heart directs his mouth, and his lips strengthen instruction” (Proverbs 16:23).

Such warnings are not limited to television and radio talk shows. Years ago, civilian leaders gathered in a major city to discuss the possibility of submitting a proposal to host the Summer Olympics. The discussion became negative, with most participants focusing on potential problems that might host such a huge event that it could cause.

After the interaction lasted for more than two hours, the meeting leader turned into one of the most recent members of the group. This person indicated that he had not yet made any comments, so the Moderator asked: “Ted, you haven’t said anything. What do you think?” While everyone in the room was sitting quietly and predictably, he answered calmly and quietly, “When there are no bulls, the manager is clean.”

Just two or three minutes had passed, but it looked like hours as everyone in the room thought about what Ted had just said. Suddenly, an enthusiastic person said, “You know, he’s right!” From that point, the entire course of the meeting changed. Ted did not tell them that his response was a direct quotation from the Bible, Proverbs 14: 4, but its meaning was clear: no fertilizer, no milk. Or to put her in a better workplace, to achieve anything of importance, you must be prepared to face the inevitable challenges.

The scriptures tell us that God’s favorite way to communicate with His people is to do so quietly, not by screaming or giving dramatic messages. In 1 Kings 19, we read about Elijah, which God used in a series of miracles. After that, the prophet exhausted physically and emotionally, when he fled from the knowledge of the evil queen Isabel who sought to kill him. After resting and modernizing, Elijah waited for God’s next instructions. Strong winds blew and then an earthquake. Verse 12 says: “After the earthquake struck a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire a slight whisper came.”

God chose to communicate with Elijah through quiet words that only the attentive Prophet could hear. For all of us on the market, the app is simple: to sell our product or idea, sometimes a gentle whisper is better than shouting. And if you prayed for a big decision, perhaps God would want to wait for his whisper.

Copyright 2020, Unconventional Business Network cited with permission from “Moments of Integrity with Rick Box”, Commentary on Integrity Issues in the Workplace from a Christian Perspective. Sign up for daily emails Rick’s Moments of Integrity, visit His latest book, “Unconventional Works”, presents “Five Keys to the Development of the Way of the Business God.”

© MONDAY MANNA is a weekly issue of CBMC INTERNATIONAL which is a nonprofit evangelical service that exists to serve business and professionals as followers of Jesus; to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of business and professionals. © 2020 CBMC All Rights Reserved


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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