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Coronary virus pandemic


Recent accounts confirm that an eclipse of the sun occurred on January 27, 632 AD. Quoted from Sahih Al-Bukhari: “The sun broke in the life of the Messenger of God on the day that (his son) Ibrahim died. People said that the sun had eclipsed because of Ibrahim’s death. The Messenger of God said:“ The sun and moon are not eclipses due to a person’s death or life (i.e. birth) . When you see the eclipse pray and summon God. ”

About 900 years later, Nicholas Copernicus, a Prussian astronomer, first assumed that the Earth revolved around the sun, rather than in the opposite direction as was believed at that time. Copernican’s view was later empirically supported by Galileo Galilei, who had to suffer persecution because of his observations. Through the work of scientists over the centuries, we now know that the moon revolves around the earth and the earth revolves around the sun and through its orbits These celestial bodies, in rare cases, line up so that we see an eclipse on Earth. Indeed, the study of scientists in these orbits can predict a future eclipse of a thousand years from now to the second.

The hadith above about 1500 years ago taught us that an eclipse does not happen because someone is sad or angry. The sun and moon act in their deeds as God commanded in the laws of nature.

The laws of nature also determine the earthquakes that occur when the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust slip against each other and release some pressure. While we cannot predict the exact time or location of an earthquake – just as we can predict an eclipse – we know the cause of earthquakes and scientists have models about earthquakes. While human activity such as cracking may affect the possibility of an earthquake in a particular place, moral or ethical lapses or religious sins are not the cause of earthquakes.

This leads me to the virus that is sweeping the world today. The virus is not inorganic but it is not a living being, because it lacks the ability to reproduce. The virus can only “multiply” by attaching itself to the living cell and then directing the cell to repeat the virus.

The virus usually consists of DNA (RNA or DNA) and some of the proteins in a protective coating consisting of fatty substances. Coronavirus is a type of virus. There are many other types of viruses, including the nose virus that causes colds, the influenza virus that causes the flu, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, or the first virus ever discovered, which is the tobacco mosaic virus that infects tobacco plants. .

When the virus attaches to a live cell, it directs the cell to make copies of RNA (or DNA as the case may be) and thus new viruses are produced. But sometimes when cells make copies of the viral RNA, they make mistakes and produce a slightly variable RNA. These are called mutations. Now in some cases these transformed RNAs acquire greater ability to infect cells belonging to other species, including humans.

The virus that caused the current epidemic is a newly developed virus from the coronavirus family (hence referred to as the new coronavirus) that is believed to have passed from bats to humans with the ability to infect human cells.

Think of coronaviruses that infect and reproduce animal cells. Now even if animal cells make copies of the viral RNA with 99.999 percent accuracy, as they make trillions of copies, they will make thousands of copies of RNA with some mutations. Some of these mutant RNAs may be able to survive and infect human cells. So the possibility tells us that it is only a matter of time before some viruses pass from animals to humans. This is similar to the major earthquakes that occur from time to time. We are not able to predict it for sure, but we know it happens a lot.

In the past few years, we’ve seen HIV make a leap from chimpanzees to humans. We have seen two types of coronavirus, which cause SARS and Corona virus, that also travel from animals to humans and develop the ability to infect human cells. So, the ability of some new viruses to make the jump was not entirely unexpected and was only a matter of time. When viruses that infect the cells of different animals constantly multiply in their trillions, some of them will change, gain the ability to infect humans and will actually transfer from animals to humans.

Since viruses have infected animal cells from the beginning of life, animals, including humans, have gained the ability to resist. Our bodies have an immune system that fights the invasion of foreign viruses by destroying them. Most of these battles the body wins. But depending on the virulence and the health of our immune system, we lose some battles.

Fortunately, viruses often do not remain very virulent. This is because they kill their hosts very quickly and with the death of the hosts, viruses also die and are not able to infect others and reproduce. This is one of the reasons why Ebola or other viruses have had a limited impact. But viruses that are not malicious or that take some time to kill the host, continue to spread and thus thrive. The influenza virus is an example of a biologically successful virus – as it continues to circulate – with low virulence. This new coronavirus has low virulence but is highly contagious. This makes them very dangerous.

Vaccination is an anti-virus method. Vaccines do not strengthen our immune system, but they do stimulate them to be prepared to fight the virus. Usually, vaccines inject into the body a small portion of the viral RNA that has become ineffective. This injected RNA segment teaches our immune system how to recognize and destroy the actual virus.

Given the sheer number of deaths, especially in Europe and North America, there is now an unprecedented effort worldwide – except, unfortunately, in the Islamic world where science education is not a priority – the search for a vaccine that gives humans immunity from this coronavirus. There is hope that the vaccine will be ready for use within two years.

Fortunately, until now there have been relatively few deaths in South Asia. This has led to speculation, not yet tested, that some vaccines that people commonly take in South Asia, such as polio or tuberculosis vaccines, may help boost immunity to this coronavirus. The next few weeks will tell us if this is correct.

The pandemic of coronavirus is due to the laws of nature and not due to any moral or religious deficiency on our part. To fight this disease, we need vaccines. Of course to be able to develop these vaccines, we need scientific knowledge. I hope that the lesson we learn from this epidemic is the importance of investing in science education in Pakistan.

The writer has served as General Secretary for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs.

Twitter: MiftahIsmail


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