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Innovative Arthritis Tracker App Released to Support Self-Isolation of Thousands of Youth-AT Today


Arthritis tracker

A new arthritis tracker app has been released to support teenagers and young adults with arthritis that are self-isolated due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Launched by Charity vs. Arthritis, this app is aimed at people aged 13 to 25, who can not only evaluate and record arthritis symptoms in seconds, but also pain, side effects of drugs, fatigue, physical activity, sleep. You can track such things as emotional well-being.

In addition, the app provides 24/7 access to trusted information and advice to your people.

According to national charities, it is estimated that approximately 3 million people under the age of 35 in the UK live with arthritic musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.

This app is helping many young people with arthritis cope with their daily challenges of growing, and many of the young people with arthritis are taking immunosuppressive drugs and must be shielded by COVID-19 now. We are among the 1.5 million people who have to.

Shielding, self-isolation, and social distance experiences can adversely affect the health and condition of people with arthritis, and anxiety and reduced physical activity cause flare in symptoms.

“Stress made everything worse for me and the current blockade was difficult. I had to stop going to school before my friends and worried that I was missing. , It’s hard to sleep now. The app advice on stress and sleep really helped me through this. “Jasmine Leslie

Face-to-face schedules during a pandemic are limited, and young people find it difficult to explain symptoms, so accurate information about the health of young people with arthritis can be reported to health professionals in comparison with arthritis. It is emphasized that it is important to take care of them.

16-year-old Jasmine Leslie has had juvenile idiopathic arthritis from the age of 7 and is still trying to find a cure for her. She has separated from her Cornwall family at home. Regarding the launch of the Arthritis Tracker, she said: “I’m testing the app in the trial phase and it’s really helpful. To understand how something affects my state, I’ve been looking for something like that for a while Was trying.

“Stress made everything worse for me and the current blockade was difficult. I had to stop going to school before my friends and worried that I was missing. , Now it’s hard to sleep. The app advice on stress and sleep has really helped me through this. It also helps remind me, which keeps me more positive.

“I’m in a clinical trial in Bristol and my next interview is approaching, but it’s now over the phone. I’m sure this app will help to share information with these appointments. “

In addition to tracking symptoms and providing advice, the app also addresses the loneliness that Shield brings, connecting young people with arthritis to experience with people who are related to what they are experiencing. Share

According to Versus Arthritis, more than 100 young people and health professionals have contributed to the design and construction of the app and will continue to be updated with user feedback.

Sophie Mullen, Digital Engagement Officer at Versus Arthritis, who led the creation and development of apps alongside young people, said: With anti-arthritis, I want to make sure no one has arthritis. Our app provides the necessary additional support that youths can access anywhere, such as home comfort and safety.

“Technology helps bridge the gap between people who are already isolated and are further restricted in their lives because of COVID-19. Most people will find other people with the same age I’ve never met a young man and this app will help us change it.

“We wanted to bring the youthful voice to the front and center it throughout this project. From ideas to prototypes to today’s apps, their contribution was essential.”

Dr. Janet McDonag, a pediatric and adolescent rheumatologist at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, which is part of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, said: Use this.

“There is great potential to enhance communication between young people and health professionals, to better understand the impact of arthritis on young people’s lives and to be able to treat it more effectively.

“Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there is even more potential for this app. It can be difficult to rate young people on the phone, so use the app overview as a prompt or share it in advance via email. This will help you over the phone. “

The Arthritis Tracker is available on the Versus Arthritis website, and can be downloaded for iPhone on the Apple App Store and Android on Google Play.

See details of the app below.

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