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What International Students Should Know in Australia | Instant news


There are approximately 720,150 international students enrolled in various education sectors in Australia.

About half of them are private tenants.

Many international students in Australia rely on part-time work to pay the rent, but have been laid off or reduced working hours due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a survey conducted by the conversation, the international student in Australia is struggling to pay rent even before the outbreak.

Nearly a quarter of respondents (22 percent) said that they “often went without necessities like food, so I can pay for my housing costs” while 17 percent answered “yes” when asked if they felt homeless at the end of the year .

Another major result is that 46 percent say they must have been paid to be able to pay the rent.

Australia is closed, many companies are closed and many are unemployed. Source: William West / AFP

What can international students in Australia currently struggling to pay the rent do?

Know your eviction rights

First, you should know that you cannot be expelled for the next six months. On March 29, the National Cabinet adopted a decision to halt expulsion for six months due to the current situation, meaning that landowners are not legally permitted to evict tenants even if they cannot pay their rent due to loss of income.

But this does not mean that you are free to rent for the next six months, but it only gives you time. The rental debt will increase and you will have to pay the rent due after the end of the stay or you will face eviction.

Try to negotiate with your owner

If you are financially tight, try talking to the property owner to see if he can write off the rent or reduce you.

At present, there are only six months of rent assistance with government authorization for commercial units, as is the case for residents, it is advisable to negotiate with their owners.

Australian banks also offer: a six-month delay in mortgage payments. This means that the landlord does not need to pay off his mortgage payments during this time, so he may be willing to allow you to pay the rent later or give you a discount.

Workers rest for a moment on the empty steps of the Opera House in Circular Quay in Sydney on March 25, 2020, when people are far away because of the restrictions to stop the spread of Corona-19 coronavirus around the world. Source: Saeed Khan / Agence France-Presse

According to Tenants Union of New South Wales, it may be in their best interest to agree to a lease that is reduced or absent for several months because it is more likely that your replacement as a tenant will be more difficult and expensive.

Not sure how to discuss this with your owner? Sage, a community member of the New South Wales Tenants’ Union, helped design a letter template that you can use to send it to your landlord. Remember to amend your personal information before submitting it.

They are also advised to consult this statement from the Australian Real Estate Institute.

Many international students in Australia are losing their jobs due to the epidemic. Source: Peter Parks / AFP

Destroy your rent

What if you had to get out of the lease? Depending on the conversation, if you are using a monthly or weekly rental, you must provide a 21-day notice.

However, if you are using a fixed-term contract, you can check your approval to see if there are any separation conditions. For example, there may be a rest clause stating that you can terminate a tenancy tenure earlier if you provide two months’ written notice.

Not all agreements are required to obtain a term clause. If you do not have one, you must negotiate with the property owner to free you from the lease early.

People wearing masks walk the streets of Sydney’s Central Business District on Easter on Saturday 11 April 2020. Source: Saeed Khan / AFP

According to the New South Wales Tenants’ Union, this law allows tenants and landowners to apply for fixed-term rent without penalty if any. Undue hardship.

In this case, you must provide written notice of termination to your owner or agent and / or submit an application to the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Court for termination orders. Help

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