Amazon threatened to stop all activities in France online news
Latest update on the epidemic coronavirus. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people. For some people, especially the elderly and people with current health problems, they can cause more serious illness or death.
The first hour:
China did not warn the public about the possibility of a pandemic in the six major days.
– Amazon threatens to suspend its activity in France because of a decision to protect against viruses.
– The Italian health police say 15 care homes have been closed because they threaten parents.
– Authorities in Kenya say that people who do not wear masks in public places will be arrested.
PARIS – Amazon threatened on Wednesday to suspend all activities in France after a French court found that this was not enough to protect its workers.
The Internet giant also announced plans to appeal the emergency ruling on Tuesday, which requires Amazon to stop selling non-essential items for a month while the company sets up safety measures for new workers.
The sale of food, medicine and hygiene items is still permitted under this decision. But the French Amazon said in a statement Wednesday that the decision was so disturbing that it might encourage the company to suspend all of its activities in six French warehouses.
The company stresses the importance of its services to “thousands of French companies that sell on Amazon” and “millions of people across the country who want to access the products they need during the crisis”.
Amazon insisted that it provide adequate safety measures for employees, noting the application of temperature tests and mask distribution.
But the court found that Amazon did not do enough to impose social distance, to ensure that the revolving doors and dressing rooms were virus-free, or to increase warehouse cleaning. The union said that a worker with the virus was in intensive care.
ROME – Italian Health Police say 100 of about 600 Italian nursing homes inspected since February are not up to record, amid reports of hundreds of elderly people dying in various facilities across the country amid the Corona virus pandemic.
The Karabinerei Health Police Squad released the details of the investigation into their virus on Wednesday. They reported that 15 facilities were closed immediately because they posed a major threat to the elderly, and their residents moved elsewhere. She said 61 people have been notified to the court, while 157 have been fined for violations, including a lack of safety standards at the facility, a lack of protective equipment and training for staff.
Italian prosecutors have conducted criminal investigations into at least a dozen nursing homes, after reports that the elderly have been abandoned or left without protection from the virus.
In the larger case, regarding the 1000-bed Pio Albergho Trivulzio facility in Milan, staff complained that the administration was preventing doctors and nurses from wearing protective masks, fearing that the residents would be uncomfortable. The facility insisted that it followed all security protocols and said it was cooperating with the investigation.
NAIROBI, Kenya – The Inspector General said the police will arrest people found to be wearing masks in public places, vehicles and private cars.
The Kenyan government passed a law last week fining $ 200 for anyone found to be wearing no public mask as a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus.
Hillary Mutiambay said that the period of grace to get used to the masks is over, and that the police will take action. He spoke to reporters on Wednesday.
Canberra, Australia – Some potential Australian policemen face job loss due to parties that violate the social distance rules.
Australian Federal Police Commissioner Rees Kershaw told reporters on Wednesday that “a number of officers” have been notified to explain why they were not fired due to a noisy party at a residential training college in Canberra on April 3.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation quoted a police source as saying that 14 conscripts could be expelled.
The BBC reported that alcohol has been banned from entering the campus since neighbors complained of party noise.
The Australian social distance rules require people to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters (5 feet) and to travel in groups of no more than two except in the company of immediate family members.
MILAN – Italians are showing an increased awareness of the long-term changes that the virus will cost, while concern about economic prosperity increases with the continued national closure, until at least May 4.
More than half of Italians worry that someone in his family will lose their jobs due to the virus – a figure that has lasted for three consecutive weeks – with fears that the virus will spread from 51% last week to 46%. Week, according to the SWG polling agency.
Less anxiety arises because the number of cases becomes narrower, and the pressure on the hospital decreases.
Meanwhile, half of the Italians say the virus crisis will last more than three months – a complete change from March 11 when 72% think the crisis will end in 90 days.
The survey now found that two-thirds say that within six months, the virus will not be completely eliminated and “we must change our habits and behaviors in a certain way.”
85 percent agree to the lock – a slight erosion from 91% a month ago.
This poll is based on a sample of 2,800 adults.
BRUSSELS – The European Union said US President Trump “has no reason” to freeze WHO funds at this critical juncture and called for measures to promote unity, not division.
Josip Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy coordinator, said that 27 of the group’s countries “deeply regret” the suspension of funding and that the World Health Organization “needs now more than ever” to fight the epidemic.
“Only by joining can we overcome this crisis that knows no boundaries,” Borrell said.
Although the group has become a traditional ally with the United States for decades, the European Union has become increasingly critical of Trump’s administration over the past few years.
BEIJING – A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said his country was “very concerned” about the US government’s decision to postpone payments to the World Health Organization.
“As the most reliable and professional international institution in global public health security, the WHO plays an indispensable role in responding to the global public health crisis,” ministry spokesman Zhao Legian told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday.
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he was cutting US payments. WHO, accusing him of failing to do enough to stop the virus from spreading when it first appeared in China.
“The WHO has failed in its basic tasks and must be held accountable,” Trump said at a news conference, adding that the United States will review WHO’s actions to halt the virus before deciding on continued aid.
China has a major influence on the World Health Organization, allowing it to choose its preferred candidate, Tidros Adhanum Gebresus as general manager, limiting criticism and hindering the participation of its rival, Taiwan.
Zhao said the US decision “will weaken the capacity of the World Health Organization and undermine international cooperation in combating epidemics. This will affect all countries of the world, including the United States, especially those prone to crises.”
MADRID – Spain has recorded 523 new deaths from the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, while the infection has risen again for the first time in five days.
5,092 new infections on Wednesday, or a daily increase of 3%, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 177,633. Ministry of Health data showed that the total number of deaths in the country reached 18579, which is the third worst number in the world after the United States and Italy.
Spain eased Europe’s stricter closing conditions this week, allowing manufacturing, construction and other unimportant activities to try to reduce the economic impact of the epidemic.
The International Monetary Fund predicts a severe recession for Spain this year, with GDP expected to shrink 1.2 trillion euros (US $ 1.3 trillion) by 8% and unemployment rise from 14% to 21% before the recovery slowed in 2021.
Amid sharp criticism over tackling the coronary virus crisis, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told lawmakers on Wednesday that government measures had slowed the spread of the virus and called for political unity to launch a “rebuilding” of the country.
WELLINGTON, New Zealand – New Zealand police have worked with several creators in a series of funny videos about life in a closed state.
There’s one about the embarrassing Zoom meeting, which is complete with people who can’t understand the sound, the people who turn into cakes thanks to random screen filters, and the people whose partners walk through their sleepwear.
Another video clip includes a song about keeping a distance of two meters, please because “I don’t want your coins if I start sneezing.”
Partner Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Clark Gifford even appeared in one of the videos, and he’s a little crazy after making too much bread.
BEIJING – The US ambassador to China said he did not believe that Beijing had banned exports of PPE and medical supplies, adding that the shipment of 1,200 tons of products to the United States would not have been possible without Chinese support.
Terry Branstad told a small group of reporters on Wednesday that the United States has concerns about the way China initially dealt with the outbreak in the center of Wuhan, but such problems must be addressed after controlling a pandemic around the world.
“Let’s focus now on saving lives and helping people,” Branstad said.
It is believed that Chinese officials delayed reporting the outbreak of the disease for several important days in January due to political problems, which allowed the virus to spread more than might happen.
China categorically denies such actions, although there is strong evidence to the contrary, saying it has so far provided accurate and timely information.
Despite working with half the staff, Branstad said, US diplomats and local staff in China have facilitated 21 inventory flights on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, along with several chartered private flights. Aside from reports from separate US states and foreign governments competing for masks, dresses and other necessary equipment, he said that the Beijing embassy and various consulates have made concerted efforts to meet all requests.
Canberra, Australia – The Australian Prime Minister said he sympathized with President Donald Trump’s criticism of the World Health Organization, but Australia would not stop funding UN agencies.
Trump directed his administration to freeze WHO funding, claiming that the agency had not provided enough initial reports on the halo virus and the cost of valuable response time to the United States.
“I sympathize with his critics and have made some of me,” Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Perth Radio 6PR on Wednesday.
Australia announced that COVID-19 had become a pandemic a few weeks before it was caused by the World Health Organization. Morrison said the WHO’s support to the wet market in China, where it is believed that the virus was transmitted from animals to humans, is “very confusing”.
“The WHO is also an organization that does a lot of important work, including here in our Pacific region, and we work with them so that we do not throw children with shower water here,” Morrison said. “But they are also not immune to criticism, and they are immune to doing things better.”
Since then, WHO’s special envoy, COVID-19, David Nabarro, has strengthened the regulatory line in the wet market, telling BBC: “There is a real risk in this type of environment.”
HELSINKI – The Finnish government said it would end the blockade of the main southern region that includes the Nordic capital, Helsinki, in the first step to ease restrictions related to COVID-19.
Justice Minister Anna Maja Henricsson said on Wednesday that the government has found no legal justification for continuing to prohibit the movement of citizens to and from the Uusima region, restrictions that entered into force on March 28.
The Uusimaa region contains about 1.7 million people, nearly a third of the population of Finland, including 650,000 residents of Helsinki. This region is the hardest hit by the epidemic, and closures are aimed at preventing the spread of the virus throughout the country.
Prime Minister Sanaa Marin stressed that all restrictions related to other coronaviruses will remain in Finland, including banning meetings and closing schools. Finland has reported 64 deaths and 3,237 confirmed cases of COVID-19 to date.
LONDON – The British government has promised to test thousands of nursing home residents and workers for the new Corona virus, to counter criticism for failing to calculate the number of deaths in nursing homes in counting casualties.
The government says it will start testing care workers regularly and will test every symptom that it has. At present, only five of the first occupants of the home are tested to determine if there is an outbreak.
British officials have been criticized for failing to take more tests of COVID-19. The government has promised to change that and has set a goal of taking 100,000 tests per day by the end of April, which is more than five times.
She accused the government’s hope of treating the parents as if they did not care, and social welfare officials say the new coronavirus has caused “destruction” in the country’s aged care home.
Official statistics showed on Tuesday that 15% of people with COVID-19 had died more than those registered in the UK government daily accounts of hospital deaths – including hundreds in elderly care homes.
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