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The Prime Minister of Brazil and Israel thanks him for sending hydroxy chloroquine Instant news


After sending the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine believed to be effective in treating COVID-19 to needy countries like Brazil and Israel, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India was ready to do everything possible to help its friends fight the coronavirus narration. .

He said India’s partnership with Brazil was “stronger than ever in these difficult times” when he responded to the comments of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro thanked the “Indian people” for allowing the export of raw materials for anti-malaria drugs.

Prime Minister Modi took charge of Twitter and responded to Bolsonaro, “Thank you President Jair Bolsonaro. The partnership between India and Brazil is stronger than ever in these difficult times. India is committed to contributing to the struggle of humanity against this epidemic.”

Thank you, President @ jairbolsonaro. The partnership between India and Brazil is stronger than ever in these difficult times.

India is committed to contributing to the struggle of humanity against this epidemic.

– Narendramodi, April 10, 2020

Many have been cited by Hydroxiychloroquine as a suitable treatment solution for fighting coronavirus infection. President Bolsonaro thanked him for allowing him to ship the raw materials needed to produce hydroxychloroquine.

Amid increasing demand that New Delhi has received from various countries to supply hydroxy chloroquine, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, sent a Hindu epic, Ramayana, to appeal to Indian leaders to allow Indian exports to India. Anti-malarial drugs, which can be used to treat patients with the Coronavirus.

On Saturday, Bolsonaro spoke to Modi on the phone and was looking for drug supplies. His message yesterday followed the phone call.

Ramayana is mentioned against the background of the rapid spread of COVID-19 worldwide, including Brazil. India banned the export of drugs on March 26, but after an appeal by U.S. President Donald Trump, India allowed supplies on Tuesday.

“Just as Lord Hanuman brought the sacred medicine from the Himalayas to save the life of Lord Rama’s brother, Lasmana, and Jesus heals the sick and restores sight to Partemio, India and Brazil will overcome this global crisis by combining strength and exchanging blessings for the sake of everyone,” the Brazilian president said in his message .

In a tweet to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Prime Minister Modi said, “We must fight this epidemic together. India is ready to do everything possible to help our friends.”

He said, “Pray for the welfare and good health of the people of Israel.”

We must fight this epidemic together.

India is ready to do anything possible to help our friends.

Pray for the welfare and health of the Children of Israel. netanyahu

– Narendramodi, April 10, 2020

Netanyahu reached Twitter and posted, “Thank you, my friend Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, for sending chloroquine to Israel. Thank you to all Israelis.”

Since the deadly virus has spread to different countries, hydroxychloroquine has become one of the most famous drugs in the world. India, the world’s largest supplier of generic medicines, is finding it difficult to meet the demand for Hydroxycholoquine received from about 30 countries.

Hydroxychloroquine tablets are used to prevent and treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, among other diseases.

Hydroxychloroquine has been approved by the National Medical Research Council (ICMR) national team as a preventive treatment – a disease prevention treatment – for people at risk of developing COVID-19. However, it is only recommended for health care workers treating COVID-19 patients. Secondly, it is only recommended for people who live and care for patients in the home. They can only take it for “prevention” or prevention.

On April 9, US President Donald Trump said that extraordinary times required closer cooperation between friends when he strongly thanked Prime Minister Modi and the people of India for allowing the pre-ordered export of hydroxy chloroquine (HCQ). To help his country fight the Corona Virus pandemic. He said that Indian humanitarian action “will not be forgotten.”

Hours before India made a formal decision to lift the ban on the export of essential medicines, President Donald Trump said in a clear warning that “there may be revenge” if India does not agree to export HCQ.

New Delhi said it would study exports based on local needs as well as India’s relations with countries seeking to obtain medicine.


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