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Polsonaro pulls Brazil toward coronavirus, experts worry World News Instant news


Medical experts say they fear that the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, will accelerate the country’s steps toward a devastating public health crisis such as the one that hit northern Italy and New York by undermining social distance measures.

Bolsonaro is one in four world leaders still underestimating the threat to the public health coronavirus, along with the authoritarian president of Nicaragua, Belarus, and Turkmenistan.

During Easter, the Brazilian right-wing leader repeatedly denounced his health ministry’s recommendation to go out for cakes, and the fans who were happy to serve them said: “Nothing will hinder my right to go and go.” During one trip, Bolsonaro was photographed wiping his nose with his wrist before shaking hands with the old woman’s hand.

Such public health and infectious disease specialists believe that this behavior erodes the only step that stands between the two Brazilians – who have suffered more than 1,000 Covid-19 deaths – and health disasters.

Police officers, who wear masks, patrolled the Rocinha slum in Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Morais / Reuters

It feels as if everyone is on the same train heading to the edge of a cliff and someone says, “Beware! There is a cliff! Passengers shouted: Oh no, nothing! And the train driver said: Yes, there is nothing there! “My sorrow comes from seeing the death that can be avoided and which we will not avoid,” said Evan Franca Jr., an epidemiologist from the University of São Paulo.

Marcos Lago, an infectious disease specialist at Pedro Ernesto University Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, said Bolsonaro’s reckless behavior puzzled people about the need to stay home.

“He bet with great risk … that Brazil will not act like the United States, like Britain, like Italy. I think it is an irresponsible bet because there is a high probability of a catastrophe and the chance of not happening is very small.

The third doctor, who asked not to be named, described Bolsonaro’s actions as “childish” and “surreal”. It’s crazy. They said, “There is no justification for this kind of behavior.” You can justify thinking about the business community. Very cool to try to find it [economic] The solution [to this crisis]. The bad thing is to ignore what the world’s best epidemiologists say.

“People will get sick [in Brazil]If they are sick at the same time, we will find ourselves in the same situation as Italy and Wuhan. “

Since mid-March, the governors of nearly all 27 Brazilian states have tried to slow down the room’s transmission system residents. But there are signs that this effort has faded, as more and more people enter the streets of cities like Rio and Sao Paulo.

Experts point out several possible explanations for the social distance not working in Brazil. One is the failure of the state government to provide adequate support to slum dwellers who have no choice but to work. Another is the difficulty of persuading Brazilians who have a passion and focus on the family to avoid relatives.

“The Brazilians are having difficulty in social distance. We are not used to it. Tanya Vergara, president of the Rio Infectious Diseases Association, said:“ We are used to living together, hugging and kissing. ”

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