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Google sentenced to 500 million fines in France for bad faith negotiations with the media


Google is accused of a history $ 500 million ($ 589 million) fine from the French Competition Authority (FCA) for not respecting an order from April 2020 negotiate fairly with news publishers about the use and payment of their articles and other content (via CNBC).

Newspaper publishers gained the ability to claim payment for the use of their content on third-party platforms with the adoption of the controversial European Union Copyright Directive, which was adopted by France in 2019 and typically tries to shift power to content producers rather than platforms. who share their work. Article 11 of the directive, colloquially known as the link tax, gives publishers the right to claim payment for article snippets and other related content in places like Google News.

Googles is testing the search results it claims it can use after the EU copyright directive is passed.
Credit: Google

With a view to the adoption of the directive, Google tested blank content previews and no description of the research as some sort of vague threat to what she might be forced to do in a post-Article 11 world. The FCA considered that an abuse of Google’s monopoly on search and ordered the company to comply with the rules and effectively negotiate the right to display articles. Apparently, these negotiations did not go well.

According to the FCA, Google has forced its agreements with publishers to focus on News Showcase, a product that does not encompass all places where publishers’ articles can appear on Google’s platforms. Second, the FCA says the company is unwilling to negotiate revenue sharing of the advertisements sold against other places where publisher content might appear, such as the links and search description you see when you view them. search results. Both issues were meant to be addressed in the overall FCA order to negotiate compensation due to [publishers] under neighboring rights law for the resumption of their copyrighted content, but it seems Google didn’t see it that way.

In response to the announcement of the fine, Google told CNBC that it was in fact about to finalize an agreement with Agence France-Presse (AFP), the French cooperative news agency, which includes a global license agreement, as well as the remuneration of their neighboring rights for their press publications. It seems to be more than just a bad timing issue, but at least in this statement provided to The edgeGoogle sticks to its guns and claims it doesn’t make a lot of money from news search results:

While we are committed to complying with the Copyright Directive and FCA Ordinances, this fine ignores the significant efforts we have made to make deals and the reality of how information works on our platforms: Google has generated last year less than 5 million euros in revenue. non-profit clicks on ads against possible queries related to current affairs in France. We want to find a solution and reach final agreements but this fine is disproportionate to the amount of money we are making from the news and we will look into the decision in detail.

Google has two months to resolve the issues raised by the FCA by offering payments for the use of copyrighted content to publishers. If he doesn’t, he faces 900.00 ($ 1 million) additional penalties per day on top of his already multi-million dollar fine.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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