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Passengers disembark from Carnival Panorama in Long Beach after waiting


As the cruise industry takes over the coronavirus, some passengers disembarking from the Carnival Panorama on Sunday morning said it would be easy to book another trip.

Yes. And no.

It could have been worse, said Cindy Turchin, who shrugged all day Saturday to get off the cruise ship. We took it knowing that it could have happened.

Panorama passengers were forced to spend an additional day on the ship while a traveler was taken to a Long Beach hospital and tested for the virus. The results, Saturday evening, came back negative.

Ryan Hudson and Shawn Burke, 46, both of Sacramento, will think twice before booking another cruise.

We almost jumped, like fifty times, said Hudson, 42.

Burke said hell was canceling a next trip. I'm supposed to do another cruise in about a week from Miami, he said. I don't think I'm going there.

The problem is not about the virus, said Burke, 46. The virus is spreading everywhere. You are going to get it or not. It's not like Ebola, so most people are fine. But I don't want to be stuck on a ship.

In nearby Los Angeles, Princess Cruises on Saturday canceled a Royal Princess cruise after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a prohibition to sail due to concerns about a crew member who previously served on the Grand Princess and was transferred to the Princess Royal more than two weeks ago.

The Grand Princess was traveling from Hawaii to San Francisco when it took place off the coast of California on Wednesday so that 46 people with possible symptoms of coronavirus could be tested. The tests were ordered after a 71-year-old man who made a trip in February from the same ship to Mexico contracted the virus and died this week in a Placer County hospital in Northern California.

Others who participated in this trip have also tested positive in Northern California, Minnesota, Illinois, Hawaii, Utah and Canada.

Princess Cruises said about the Royal Princess: Late this afternoon, the CDC informed us of its decision to issue a navigation prohibition order until the member of the Royal Navy ; crew is tested for COVID-19. Unfortunately we were unable to obtain this test due to the delay in demand.

The crew member exceeded the maximum COVID-19 incubation, was assessed and never developed respiratory symptoms or fever. The crew member had no known contact or exposure to other guests or crew members who were ill on Grand Princess. The crew member received a precautionary examination by medical personnel on board the Royal Princess to test for respiratory symptoms, including fever. Due to the unknown timing of the test and results or the expected response, we have canceled the cruise, the company said in a statement.

Leading cruise lines executives met with Vice President Mike Pence at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday, after which Pence announced major changes in the industry in the future, but will not. gave no indication of what would happen next with the Grand Princess.

Mr Pence said cruise officials have agreed to improve entry and exit checks and to establish virus-testing tests on board ships, as well as new standards. quarantine established by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The industry has also been asked to come up with and fund a new plan on how to transport cruise lines who contract the disease.

Officials for the princess said the new protocols include requiring all new passengers to sign a health declaration and temperature tests on passenger departure. Anyone from a high-risk area also undergoes a medical assessment, Dr Grant Tarling, medical director of Carnival Corporation, told reporters.

Sunday morning, the Royal Princess crewmembers' test results were muted.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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