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Why Orcas Linger Longer In The ArcticExBulletin


Orcas linger longer in the Arctic Ocean as the sea ice shrinks. Whales often travel to access varieties of prey, but it is likely that there are now more opportunities for hunting in the Arctic.


Scientists have spied on killer whales in the Arctic for nearly a decade.


BRYNN KIMBER: So the whistles you hear, the main kind of noise – it’s orcas. I always thought they looked like a cat in distress.


Brynn Kimber is part of the National Marine Mammal Lab at NOAA. Kimber points out that the Arctic is covered in ice and darkness much of the year, so underwater records are useful.

KIMBER: When we have acoustics, we can actually track where these animals are in those more difficult areas to study.

SHAPIRO: Kimber’s team have now gathered over 140,000 hours of those recordings, and they’ve combed through that audio to identify killer whale calls.


KELLY: This tape is helping them map where the whales are and when, and they’ve found that killer whales are spending more time in the Arctic than ever before as the sea ice is shrinking due to climate change.

KIMBER: We have a recorder at the Chukchi border, which is way, far north. We really didn’t expect to see killer whales there at all. And when we looked at the recordings from that region, we still detected killer whales.

KELLY: Kimber presented the results this week in Seattle at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.

SHAPIRO: That could be good news for killer whales in the short term. Less sea ice means more real estate and more places to hunt.

KIMBER: If those tasty prey that the killer whales would have loved to seek out suddenly had no way to hide, you know, I don’t see how that would be bad for the killer whales.

SHAPIRO: But the reverse could be true for their prey, like endangered bowhead whales.

KIMBER: Often for bowhead whales, they’ve had some sort of sanctuary in the pack ice. Some of my colleagues have found that bowhead whales are increasingly scarred by killer whales.

KELLY: The pack ice is a sanctuary for many arctic animals. Kimber says if the ice disappears, many species will face dire conditions, and even the short-term benefit to killer whales is unlikely to last.


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