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Pentagon calls for reconsideration of huge cloud contract at center of Amazon-Microsoft-Trump dispute


Government lawyers ask federal judge for permission to reconsider Pentagon decision to award Microsoft Corp. controversial $ 10 billion cloud contract following legal challenge from Inc.

On Thursday, in a file with the United States Federal Court of Claims, the Department of Defense said it was asking 120 days to reconsider certain aspects of the agency's decision.

Among the questions that the Ministry of Defense wishes to reassess are parts of the price quotes from bidders and online markets.

During the proposed pretrial detention, the agency could take decisions that would justify this action, in whole or in part, and could avoid the need to continue the litigation before this court, the government said in court documents rendered audiences Thursday evening.

Pre-trial detention is in the interests of justice as it will give the agency the opportunity to reconsider the allocation decision at issue in light of AWS’s allegations of courts and any new information gathered during the proposed pretrial detention.

The federal judge overseeing the Amazon's challenge to his loss to Microsoft of the cloud computing contract said that the Department of Defense may have miscalculated Microsofts' price offer for the job.

Her likely chances for the Amazons to receive the award would have increased if there hadn't been the Pentagon's mistakes, said U.S. Claims Court judge Patricia Campbell-Smith.

Amazon Web Services, Amazon's cloud unit, filed a complaint in November alleging that President Donald Trump's political interference had cost the company the deal on cloud. The contract is worth up to $ 10 billion over a decade.

Amazon said in the lawsuit that the Ministry of Defense did not judge its offer fairly because it viewed Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos as its political enemy.

Amazon has asked the court to allow it to question Trump, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, former Defense Secretary James Mattis and Dana Deasy, Pentagon chief information officer.

Amazon spokesperson Drew Herdener said Thursday evening that the company is pleased that the DoD has recognized the substantial and legitimate issues that affected the JEDI award decision, and that corrective action is needed. .

Frank Shaw, a spokesperson for Microsoft, said in a statement that the company thought the Pentagon had made the right decision when the contract was awarded. However, we support their decision to reconsider a small number of factors as it is probably the quickest way to solve all the problems and quickly provide the modern technology necessary to the people in our armed forces, he said. added.

Defense Department officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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