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European regulators are starting to take a closer look at the $ 2.1 billion Google-Fitbit deal, Telecom News, ET Telecom


European regulators are starting to take a closer look at the $ 2.1 billion Google-Fitbit dealLondon: After issuing a warning in February about the potential privacy risks of Google having access to Fitbits data, European Union (EU) regulators have now sent detailed questionnaires to their rivals, asking them to ” assess how acquisition can affect the digital health space.

Anti-competition watchdog has set July 20 as the deadline for its next decision on the $ 2.1 billion Google-Fitbit deal

“The level of detail in recent questionnaires sent to business competitors suggests that an in-depth investigation may be underway,” reports the Financial Times.

EU regulators have asked rivals whether the Google-Fitbit deal would disadvantage fitness tracking apps hosted in the Google Play Store and “how Google could use the data to profile users for its business activities.” search and advertising “.

The move comes in the wake of the tech giant’s plan to recover health and activity data from millions of Fitbit users.

Regulators are determining whether to allow the tech giant to gobble up all of this data.

In a previous statement, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) wrote: “There is concern that the continued combination and accumulation of sensitive personal data about people in Europe by a large technology company may entail a high risk for fundamental rights, privacy and protection of personal data “.

In the EU, the way privacy is managed will have a huge impact on the success or otherwise of the agreement.

The EDPB also recalled that Google and Fitbit are required to make a transparent assessment of the “data protection requirements and privacy implications” regarding this merger.

The US Department of Justice and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission have also raised concerns about the deal.

“The purchase of Fitbit will allow Google to create an even more complete set of user data, further strengthening its position and erecting barriers to entry for potential competitors,” said ACCC President Rod Sims.

Google acquired Fitbit for $ 2.1 billion at the end of last year, an agreement that includes user data from Fitbit customers, including activity, sleep, location and other health data .

Google, however, stressed that “Fitbit health and wellness data will not be used for Google ads”.

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