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Nokia wins new cloud, AirLet VoLTE modernization agreement, Telecom News, ET Telecom


Nokia buys new cloud and VoLTE modernization agreement with AirtelNEW DELHI: Finnish telecommunications equipment maker Nokia has said it has entered into a new cloud-based agreement with Bharti Airtel. As part of the new agreement, Nokia’s CloudBand-based software products power the Telecom operator’s Voice over LTE (VoLTE) network in India.

The latest deal follows the recent billion dollar 4G wireless network expansion agreement for 10 circles where Nokia supplies its technology to the telecommunications operator led by Sunil Mittal.

Airtel’s VoLTE network supports more than 110 million customers, making it the largest cloud-based VoLTE network in India and the largest VoLTE managed by Nokia in the world.

The solution that has been deployed in 22 telecom service areas in India uses standard commercial hardware with cloud-based virtual network (VNF) functions, which provides benefits such as power and energy consumption. ‘less space.

While Nokia powers Airtel VoLTE in 22 circles, its European rival Ericsson provides IMS-based VoLTE in the Rajasthani telecommunications circle.

The VoLTE solution also allows Airtel to reduce its 3G network spectrum, which allows it to use the released spectrum to deploy improved 4G / LTE services.

Airtel, as part of its cloud strategy, aims to deploy Nokias CLoudBand infrastructure software to create new revenue opportunities for 5G and devices connected to the Internet.

The country’s largest open cloud-based VoLTE network is an important step in Airtel’s journey. Our goal is to leverage the benefits of cloud solutions to simplify our architecture and enable faster delivery of innovative services, ultimately delivering an improved customer experience, said Randeep Sekhon, CTO of Bharti Airtel.

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CloudBand is an open, scalable and flexible platform that will allow Airtel to adapt network capacity to changing consumption patterns in real time and cost effectively, Nokia said in a statement.

Nokia is very pleased to expand our partnership and support Airtel’s digital transformation journey, said Bhaskar Gorti, president of Nokia Software and Nokia Chief Digital Officer.

Gorti added that Nokias carrier-grade cloud software solutions will strengthen the foundation of the Airtels 5G network and help it transition to innovative digital solutions that focus on the customer and experience.

ETTelecom announced that Bharti Airtel has chosen IBM and Red Hat to build its new telecommunications network cloud ready for 5G to support basic operations, monetize its pan-India 4G network using new services and be a more competitive telecommunications player.

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