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These are the top 10 stocks in the top performing US equity fund in the past year


Spencer Platt / Getty Images

  • The best security picker in 2020, measured by performance, has relied on the actions of homework to generate most of the gains since the start of the year.
  • Dennis Lynch of Morgan Stanley is the portfolio manager of the Morgan Stanley Institutional Discovery Portfolio, which posted a No. 1 total 12-month return of 56.2%. among active funds that rely on fundamentals and do not use leverage.
  • Here are the top 10 stocks driving strong performance in Lynch’s Discovery portfolio.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

Despite the turbulence in the stock market, which fell 20% in the first quarter and increased 20% in the second quarter, some equity selectors thrive amid volatility.

For example, Dennis Lynch of Morgan Stanley, who is the team leader of Counterpoint Global and a portfolio manager of the Morgan Stanley Institutional Discovery Portfolio. The fund ranked n ° 1 in Wall Street Journal Winner’s Circle contest.

The growth-oriented fund posted a total 12-month return of 56.2% and an increase of 59.3% in the first half of 2020, according to The Journal.

In June, Business Insider spoke with Dennis Lynch, who broke down the stocks he believes have the most potential over the next decade. Lynch’s investment style is to avoid short-term forecasts and focus on the long term instead.

Morgan Stanley’s Discovery Fund has a five-star Morningstar rating and $ 2 billion in assets, according to Morningstar. The mid-cap growth fund has an expense ratio of 0.74% and requires a minimum initial investment of $ 5 million.

Here are the top 10 stocks in the Morgan Stanley Discovery Fund as of May 31, according to Morgan Stanley data.

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10. Twilio

Reuters / Brendan McDermid

Portfolio weight: 3.97%
First added to the portfolio: Q4 2018
Return YTD: 139.56%

9. DexCom

Joey Hadden / Business Insider

Portfolio weight: 4.0%
First added to the portfolio: Q3 2015
Return YTD: 93.46%

8. Spotify technology


Portfolio weight: 4.12%
First added to the portfolio: Q4 2018
Return YTD: 74.03%

7. Okta


Portfolio weight: 4.14%
First added to the portfolio: Q3 2018
Return YTD: 79.65%

6. Video zoom

Carlo Allegri / Reuters

Portfolio weight: 4.22%
First added to the portfolio: Q2 2019
Return YTD: 283.60%

5. Slack Technologies


Portfolio weight: 4.49%
First added to the portfolio: Q2 2019
Return YTD: 38.43%

4. MongoDB


Portfolio weight: 4.51%
First added to the portfolio: Q4 2018
Return YTD: 68.70%

3. Veeva systems

Veeva systems

Portfolio weight: 4.57%
First added to the portfolio: Q4 2016
Return YTD: 74.57%

2. Coupa Software

Coupa Software

Portfolio weight: 4.76%
First added to the portfolio: Q1 2018
Return YTD: 96.27%

1. Shopify


Portfolio weight: 5.76%
First added to the portfolio: Q4 2017
Return YTD: 148.19%

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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