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Ferry Building, closed due to coronavirus health orders, must reopen


The San Francisco Ferry Building reopened its hall stores and restaurants on Thursday after the state said it was a transportation terminal, not an indoor mall.

The turnaround shows the difficulty of applying state and local health ordinances to businesses and the arbitrariness of certain rules – all intended to stem the spread of the pandemic – that dictate which businesses can operate and how.

The city ruled the building to be a shopping center on Wednesday, a move that forced more than two dozen stores such as Dandelion Chocolate, Far West Fungi, Heath Ceramics and Urban Remedy to limit itself to curbside pickup operations. Restaurants and stores with exterior entrances were able to continue to operate.

Jane Connors, managing director of the Ferry Building, said in a statement Thursday that building management had been “recently informed” that the state had reclassified the building as a transport terminal. Under national and local shelter-in-place rules, transportation terminals are considered essential operations, while indoor shopping malls are only allowed to open in the later stages of the state’s reopening schedule.

The state recently decided to place many counties, including San Francisco, on a watch list based on the level of coronavirus infections and other health parameters. Listing essentially forces a county back to an earlier stage of reopening and places stricter limits on business and other activities.

“From now on, stores and restaurants inside the building can resume serving customers inside according to the latest guidelines from the San Francisco Department of Public Health,” Connors said.

The resort’s outdoor dining tables and the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market were not affected by the building’s temporary designation as a shopping center.

On the marketplace website, a message warns visitors: “We’re back!”

“As more and more of our merchants prepare to reopen, we have been working hard to welcome you back safely,” market officials said in a public health update posted on its website. “We have put in place even stricter safety standards and guidelines so that you can buy your locally produced products with confidence.”

Market officials said they had improved their cleaning procedures, required face covers for all staff and customers, expanded curb pickup and delivery for shoppers, set up sanitizing stations for hands-free throughout the market, established “one-way lanes” to control pedestrian traffic and established “hands-free entries where possible to minimize points of contact.”

Officials also said they had “optimized” its air filtering system and “maximized the use of outside air.”

Visitors are advised to keep a distance of 6 feet from others when shopping, officials said.

The market’s website says that traders’ opening hours will be updated online.

Shwanika Narayan and Lauren Hernández are editors of the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected], [email protected] Twitter: @shwanika, @ByLHernandez

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