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TXSE Group Inc. announces plans to create the Texas Stock Exchange

TXSE Group Inc. announces plans to create the Texas Stock Exchange


TXSE to Provide New Trading and Listing Venue for Public Companies, ETPs and ADRs

The recently completed capital raise includes global financial institutions, major liquidity providers and prominent business leaders from across the United States.

DALLAS, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TXSE Group Inc. today announced plans to launch the Texas Stock Exchange (TXSE), headquartered in Dallas. TXSE will work to provide access to U.S. capital markets for U.S. and global companies and will provide a venue for trading and listing public companies as well as the growing universe of exchange-traded products. TXSE will be a fully electronic national securities exchange that will apply for registration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

TXSE Group Inc. successfully completed its first fundraising round with participation from more than two dozen investors, including some of the world's largest financial institutions and liquidity providers, such as BlackRock and Citadel Securities, as well as prominent business leaders from across the country. .

The liquidity providers supporting TXSE Group Inc. account for a significant portion of equity volume on U.S. exchanges and together account for the majority of all U.S.-listed retail volume. With approximately $120 million of capital raised, TXSE is expected to be the most well-capitalized stock market player to file a registration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

The planned launch of TXSE comes as changes in the stock markets provide an opportunity for greater alignment and competition. Issuing companies and sponsors of exchange-traded products are demanding more stability and predictability regarding listing standards and associated costs. TXSE intends to expand access to the U.S. capital markets for all investors, while providing greater access and alignment to public companies and those seeking access to public capital.

“Changes in the securities markets are generating more trading volumes and more choices for issuers and sponsors,” said James Leefounder and CEO of TXSE Group Inc. “TXSE will ultimately create more competition in listing activity, liquidity and transparency, resulting in more consistent and reliable markets that will benefit both investors, to global issuers and liquidity providers.

Texas and other states in the southeastern quadrant of the United States lead the nation in economic expansion and population growth, making it Texas the clear choice for the creation of a new national securities exchange. For decades, Texas has been the nation's leader in attracting corporate relocations and expansions. It is home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state and more than 5,200 privately sponsored companies, many of which are preparing to enter the public markets. Additionally, there are more than 1,500 publicly traded companies across the region.

“We are delighted to realize the long-held vision of a national stock exchange in Texas“, Lee said. “Texas and the other states in the southeast quadrant became economic powers. Combined with the demand we are seeing from investors and businesses for expanded alternatives to trading and listing stocks, this is an opportune time to build a major national exchange in Texas“.

TXSE intends to submit registration with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to operate as a national securities exchange later this year.

About TXSE Group inc. :

TXSE Group Inc. is the parent company of the Texas Stock Exchange. TXSE will work to provide access to U.S. capital markets for U.S. and global companies and will provide a venue for trading and listing public companies as well as the growing universe of exchange-traded products. Subject to approval by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, TXSE will be a fully electronic national securities exchange providing access to U.S. equity markets. More information is available at

WoodRock Titles (Houston) acted as exclusive financial advisor and sole placement agent for TXSE Group Inc. Cravath, Swaine & Moore (Washington DC) serves as regulatory advisor to the Texas Stock Exchange. THE Dallas office of Haynes and Boone LLP acted as legal counsel to TXSE Group Inc. in connection with the offering and will serve as corporate counsel. PwC Consulting is a managed services provider for TXSE Group Inc.

The southeastern quadrant of the United States is defined as Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Caroline from the south And Tennessee.





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