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London Stock Exchange CEO honored on King's birthday list | List of honors for the King's birthday

London Stock Exchange CEO honored on King's birthday list |  List of honors for the King's birthday


The head of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the chairman of HSBC are among the business leaders who will be recognized in this year's King Charles Birthday Honors list.

Julia Hoggett, a former banker who has been chief executive of the London Stock Exchange since 2021, was awarded the title of dame for her services to business and finance.

Hoggett, who joined the LSE after working for the Financial Conduct Authority, called for executives of British companies to be paid more to match their American counterparts. She argued that British companies are struggling to attract executives because they receive higher pay across the Atlantic.

Alan Jope, former CEO of Unilevers, has been appointed CBE. Photography: Riccardo Savi/Getty for the Concordia Summit

Hoggett faces a battle to attract more companies to list on the London Stock Exchange after companies moved their main listing from London, including betting firm Flutter, which is moving its listing to the United States, and Anglo-German travel company Tui, which voted to list its shares in Germany. Last year, building materials company CRH moved its main stock market listing to the United States.

City veteran Mark Tucker, who is the current chairman of HSBC, will receive a knighthood for his services to the economy.

Tucker, a football enthusiast who once played professionally, became chairman of HSBC in October 2017 after leading the AIA group. He has over 35 years of experience in the financial services industry across Asia, the US, UK and Africa, and is a former chief executive of insurer Prudential.

Other business figures who have been recognized include Alan Jope, the former chief executive of Unilever, who was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for his services to business. Jope resigned last year after 38 years at the consumer goods company, whose brands include Dove soap and Marmite.

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During his tenure, Unilever sold a large tea manufacturing division and unified the company's previously divided structure in London, but the company failed in its attempt to take over GlaxoSmithKline's consumer healthcare arm.

Energy company executives were also honored. Greg Jackson, chief executive and co-founder of Octopus Energy Group, which has 7.2 million customers in 18 countries, has been appointed CBE.

SSE chief executive Alistair Phillips-Davies, who has led the electricity infrastructure company for a decade, has also been appointed CBE.

Claire Enders, who founded technology, media and telecommunications research firm Enders Analysis in 1997, is appointed acCBE, as is Jennifer Daly, managing director of FTSE 100 property builder Taylor Wimpey, who joined Redrow in 2014 and is one of the UK's most high-profile female business leaders.




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