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C40 joins Mission 2025 and urges national governments to align their climate plans to 1.5°C before the UN deadline


A coalition of real economy leaders called Mission 2025, made up of mayors, governors, CEOs, investors and residents, launched a campaign urging governments to align their next national climate plans with climate change. The objective of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C. .

This IndiatI am comes less than a year before the crucial deadline of February 2025, when countries are required to submit improved climate plans (nationally determined contributions) to the United Nations for the period 2025-2035.

Mission Statement 2025, supported by C40 Cities, is co-signed by leaders of leading organizations and companies such as IKEA, Unilever, The B Team, C2ES, Climate Crisis Advisory Group, Climate Group, Club of Rome, E3G, ECF , WBCSD, We Are Family Foundation and We Mean Business Coalition. These organizations, at the forefront of commercial and subnational action, declared:

We are ready to encourage governments to set more ambitious plans and accelerate their implementation. We know it can unlock billions in private investment to protect our nature, develop cheap renewable energy, help industries compete in a low-carbon economy, and preserve fair living standards for our people.

Mission 2025 Coalition

These organizations emphasize that governments can be emboldened by the rapid progress already underway towards a 1.5°C economy. This argument is reinforced by new data from the Net Zero Tracker, which indicates that more than two-thirds of the annual revenues ($31 trillion) of the world's largest companies are now aligned with net zero, representing an increase of 45% in just two years. . Additionally, the WBCSD reports that 55 companies, with revenues of more than US$4.4 trillion, have published transition plans consistent with the science-based guidance of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Mission 2025 responds to analysis from the Energy Transitions Commission, showing that the rapidly falling costs of clean technologies and the proven feasibility of other solutions mean that countries can collectively almost triple their ambition and move the world onto the 2C path by taking into account the commitments made and progress made since the submission of previous plans in 2021.

Christiana Figueres, co-founder of Global Optimism, said: “Today's launch of Mission 2025 is a clear rebuttal to all those who claim that it is too difficult, too unpopular or too expensive to act more quickly to tackle the climate crisis. The ambition expressed by mayors, investors and businesses in this coalition should give governments the confidence to align their 2025 climate plans with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Mark Watts, executive director of C40 Cities, said: “75% of C40 cities are reducing their per capita emissions faster than their respective national governments and all C40 members have action plans to align their economies with 1.5°C as a condition of membership. This is the path to shared future prosperity, creating millions of good green jobs and establishing a just transition away from the inequality and pollution of the fossil fuel era. We urge governments to seize the opportunity to create plans aligned with 1.5°C and achieve these shared national goals by building meaningful partnerships with local and regional governments, philanthropies, businesses, unions and civil society to reach them.

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