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Unite union calls off strike at Port Talbot steelworks after owner offers new talks | Steel Industry

Unite union calls off strike at Port Talbot steelworks after owner offers new talks | Steel Industry


A strike at the Port Talbot steelworks was called off after its owner, Tata Steel, offered to enter into new negotiations with unions over future investment in a plant set to lose 2,800 jobs and close its last highs furnaces.

Unite union members were due to begin strike action on July 8, days after Tata planned to begin a process that would end more than 70 years of steelmaking from scratch at the plant.

But on Monday Unite confirmed it had called off the strike after Rajesh Nair, the UK boss of Tata Steel, wrote to unions at the weekend to propose a new round of discussions on future investment at the southern site. of Wales.

Unite said Tata had confirmed it was now ready to enter into negotiations on future investment in its operations and not just redundancies in south Wales.

Sharon Graham, general secretary of Unites, said: “This is a significant step forward in the fight to protect jobs and the long-term future of the steel industry in South Wales. The investment Unite secured from the Labor Party will be vital to the future of the site. »

This breakthrough could not have happened without the courage of our Port Talbot members, who were ready to stand up and fight for their jobs. Workers were simply not prepared to stand idly by while steel production ended and their communities were devastated.

It is essential that these negotiations progress quickly and in good faith, with a focus on new investment and ensuring the long-term continuity of steel production in South Wales.

Community, which represents more steelworkers than Unite and is often at odds with its sister union over how to protect Port Talbot workers, welcomed the move.

Tata confirmed that if the strike was called off, they were ready to resume discussions on a possible [memorandum of understanding]through the multi-union steel committee chaired by Community, said Alun Davies, Community national officer.

The truth is that Tata never left these discussions and, at our last meeting on May 22, all unions agreed to conclude the negotiations and submit the outcome to our members. The Community will welcome the resumption of these discussions, but we regret that no progress has been made since May 22.

With thousands of jobs at stake, we welcome Unites' decision to withdraw its strike and return to the negotiating table with its sister steel unions.

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The Guardian has contacted Tata Steel UK for comment.

Tata had initially planned to shut down the second of its two remaining blast furnaces by the end of September, while the process of shutting down the first is expected to begin by the middle of this week.

The plans were brought forward after Unite announced an indefinite strike by nearly 1,500 of its members from July 8. Tata said it would not be able to operate the plant safely and stably if it went on strike and brought forward the full shutdown of the second furnace to next Sunday, July 7.

The new electric furnace is not expected to come into operation until 2027 and unions want steel production to continue until then.




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