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The Department of Labor is providing more than $56 million in grants to help justice-involved individuals obtain needed job training and prepare for their return to their communities

The Department of Labor is providing more than $56 million in grants to help justice-involved individuals obtain needed job training and prepare for their return to their communities


WASHINGTON The U.S. Department of Labor today announced more than $56 million in grants to help reduce recidivism and help people reintegrate into their communities after being incarcerated.

The award of the Pathway Home 5 grant will be based on theFindings from the pre-launch pilot projects and the implementation study of Linking Employment Activitieswho highlighted the value of close partnerships between prisons and workforce system partners to ensure participant success.

Authorized by theWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity ActThe grants provide funding for justice-involved individuals to train in skills that are most sought after by local employers. Today’s awards followDepartments announce funding opportunity on February 8, 2024.

The Pathway Home grants announced today will help justice-involved individuals get the training they need to secure good jobs when they reenter their communities after a sentence of incarceration, said Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training José Javier Rodríguez. The Biden-Harris Administration recognizes that our communities are safer when formerly incarcerated Americans have access to good jobs. These grants allow participants to begin job training before their release, better preparing them for their new lives.

Led by departmentsEmployment and Training AdministrationPathway Home grants help bridge the gap between release from prison and enrollment in a vocational development program. Grantees must partner with a state correctional facility or local or county jail to provide access to participants before they return to their communities.

Pathway Home grantees will leverage their relationships with employers and unions to inform programs and ensure that the training provided is relevant to jobs available in local industries.

The Ministry awarded Pathway Home Grants to the following recipients:





Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment




Epidaurus, operating under the name Amity Foundation




Work place




South Florida OIC

Fort Lauderdale



Georgia Department of Labor




Workforce Inc., operating as RecycleForce




Goodwill Industries of Southeast Louisiana Inc.

New Orleans



Jobs for the future




South Mississippi Planning and Development District




Family and Workforce Centers of America

Saint Louis




Saint Louis



Fortune Company Inc.

Long Island City

new York


Towards Employment Inc.




American Opportunity Industrialization Centers Inc.

Philadelphia cream



URI Research Foundation




Total Action Against Poverty in the Roanoke Valley







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