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Euro area households and non-financial corporations: first quarter 2024


July 4, 2024

  • Households' financial investment increased at an unchanged annual rate of 2.0% in the first quarter of 2024
  • Non-financial companies funding increased at a broadly unchanged annual rate of 0.7%
  • Non-financial companies gross operating surplus decreased at an annual rate of -3.0%, after increasing (2.4%) in the previous quarter

Chart 1

Household financing and financial and non-financial investment

(annual growth rates)

Sources: ECB and Eurostat.

Data on household financing and financial and non-financial investments

Chart 2

Gross operating surplus, non-financial investments and financing of non-financial corporations

(annual growth rates)

Source: ECB and Eurostat.

Data on gross operating surplus, non-financial investment and financing of non-financial corporations


Household gross disposable income French GDP grew in the first quarter of 2024 at an annual rate of 5.8%, after 5.6% in the previous quarter. Compensation of employees grew at a broadly unchanged rate of 5.9%, and gross operating surplus and mixed income of the self-employed grew at a slower rate of 5.0% (after 5.3%). Household consumption expenditure grew at a slower rate of 3.5% (after 4.1%).

Household chores gross savings rate increased to 14.1% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 13.7% in the previous quarter.

The annual growth rate of household income gross non-financial investment (which mainly concerns housing) decreased to -2.6% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 1.2% in the previous quarter. Loans Loans to households, the main component of their financing, increased at an unchanged rate of 0.7%.

Household financial investment French increased at an unchanged rate of 2.0% in the first quarter of 2024. Among its components, fiat money and deposits increased at a higher rate of 1.8% (from 0.8%), while debt securities increased at a lower rate (40.4% from 56.6%). Investments in stocks and other equity decreased at an unchanged rate (-0.2%). Life insurance decreased at a broadly unchanged rate (-0.3%), while pension plans increased at a broadly unchanged rate of 2.5%.

Household net value Net financial assets increased by 2.3% in the first quarter of 2024, after 2.0% in the previous quarter. Net financial assets increased due to valuation gains in addition to investments, while non-financial assets decreased due to valuation losses in excess of investments. Real estate wealththe main component of non-financial assets, decreased (-0.9%) less quickly than in the previous quarter (-1.4%). debt to income ratio decreased to 85.9% in the first quarter of 2024 from 90.9% in the first quarter of 2023.

Non-financial companies

Net added value Wireless company investments grew at a lower annual rate of 1.7% in the first quarter of 2024, after 5.4% in the previous quarter. Gross operating surplus Net property income decreased (-3.0% after 2.4%), while net property income – defined in this context as property income receivable less interest and rents payable – increased (3.2%, after -15.2%). gross business income (broadly equivalent to cash flow) decreased (-2.5%, after 0.1%).[1]

The annual growth rate of contactless companies gross non-financial investment decreased to -4.8%, compared to 3.3% in the previous quarter.[2] NFC financial investment Investments in shares and other equity investments grew at an annual rate of 1.8%, after 1.6%. Among its components, investments in shares and other equity investments grew at a higher rate of 1.4% (after 0.8%) while loans granted by SNFs grew at an unchanged rate of 4.0%.

Funding Cash flows of non-financial corporations increased at a broadly unchanged pace of 0.7% compared with the previous quarter. Debt financing also grew at a broadly unchanged pace (0.9%), while debt financing (2.0%, after 1.7%), shares and other equity (0.3%, after 0.1%) and trade credit (1.2%, after 0.8%) all grew at higher rates.

NFC debt-to-GDP ratio (consolidated measure) decreased to 67.5% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 70.9% in the same quarter of the previous year; unboundthe broad debt measure decreased from 132.5% to 127.4%.

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