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Stock market today: Asian stocks mixed after Wall Street ends losing streak | Region

Stock market today: Asian stocks mixed after Wall Street ends losing streak | Region



BANGKOK (AP) — Stocks were mostly higher Tuesday in Asia after U.S. stocks closed broadly higher as big technology shares recovered some of their recent sharp declines.

U.S. futures were down slightly and oil prices were little changed.

Tokyo's Nikkei 225 recovered from early losses, rising 0.1 percent to 39,621.28.

Chinese markets were lower, with Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index down 0.1 percent at 17,620.16 points. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.6 percent to 2,946.63 points.

China's central bank cut its two main interest rates by 10 basis points on Monday in a bid to ease credit and boost the economy, after a key meeting of the ruling Communist Party on long-term reforms. But the two moves have so far failed to have a positive effect on markets, where investors are awaiting more ambitious short-term measures to boost growth.

The size of the economy is large. And obviously, a 10 basis point cut is not particularly encouraging. It certainly doesn’t measure up to a massive stimulus, which is what the economy probably needs, Mizuho Bank said in a commentary.

South Korea's Kospi rose 0.5% to 2,777.98, while the S&P/ASX 200 jumped 0.7% to 7,987.90.

Taiwanese stock Taiex jumped 2.3% while Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. gained 3.4%, rebounding from recent losses.

In Bangkok, the SET fell 0.7%.

Corporate earnings reports and U.S. economic growth could be in focus for markets this week. Analysts expect S&P 500 companies to post the strongest earnings growth in the latest quarter since late 2021, according to FactSet.

In addition to Alphabet and Tesla, dozens of other major U.S. companies will also release their latest quarterly results next week, including Coca-Cola, Ford and American Airlines.

On Monday, the S&P 500 index rose 1.1% to 5,564.41 points, ending a three-day losing streak. It was the benchmark index's first gain since hitting an all-time high on July 16.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.3% to 40,415.44, and the Nasdaq Composite climbed 1.6% to 18,007.57.

The gains were strong, with more than three-quarters of S&P 500 stocks closing higher, although technology stocks accounted for much of the gain.

Nvidia rose 4.8%, and other Big Tech stocks advanced. They had faltered amid criticism that they had become too expensive after climb so high and propels Wall Street to record highs. Two of them, Alphabet and Tesla, will announce their spring profits on Tuesday, a major test. Alphabet rose 2.3% and Tesla 5.1%.

Treasury yields have mostly risen in the bond market following the election of President Joe Biden says he won't run for re-electionThe move could unwind some markets that have seen Trump soar after Biden's weak performance in a debate last month raised expectations for a victory for former President Donald Trump.

Some airport delays continued on Monday after massive disruptions due to a global technology failure This appears to have been largely resolved over the weekend.

A faulty software update has caused ravaged worldwide and led to the suspension of a number of flights by almost all airlines. The vast majority Early cancellations Monday The flights were operated by Delta Air Lines. Delta shares fell 3.5%.

Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said the issue suspected of causing the outage was not a security incident or cyberattack and that it had deployed a patch for a faulty update sent to computers running Microsoft Windows.

Crowd strikes The stock fell 13.5% on Monday after falling 11.1% on Friday.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 4.26% from 4.24% late Friday. Short-term yields were relatively flat. The two-year yield was unchanged at 4.52%, where it was late Friday.

Other segments of the market that could have swung sharply on uncertainty surrounding the November election after President Joe Biden withdrew from the race, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, also remained mostly calm.

The U.S. dollar remained relatively stable, falling to 156.33 yen on Tuesday morning from 157.04 yen on Monday evening. The euro rose to 1.0895 from 1.0891 dollars.

In the energy sector, benchmark U.S. crude oil lost 1 cent to $78.39 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Brent crude, the international benchmark, gained 3 cents to $82.43 a barrel.

AP Business reporter Stan Choe contributed to this report.

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