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Will the increase in STT F&O and short term capital tax affect brokers and trading volumes?

Will the increase in STT F&O and short term capital tax affect brokers and trading volumes?



If the 2024 Economic Survey is to be believed, increases in the short-term capital gains tax and the securities transaction tax (STT) on futures and options are all likely. Both rates were raised in the budget, as was the long-term capital gains tax. While such measures would act as a dampener on the market, analysts are not sure whether they would actually lead to a sharp decline in investor activity, given the current bullish trend in the market.

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“We do not expect any material impact on volumes based on past experience (in 2023, STT was increased by 25%, but notional volumes actually increased in Q1FY24), given that trading costs are not material in options trading,” IIFL Securities said. It expects neutral to marginal or no negative impact on markets due to rate hikes.

Sanjay Sinha, Founder, Citrus Advisors, said the increase in STCG to 20% and LTCG to 12.5% ​​is a major blow. In light of all the concerns raised about the hyperactive interest in the F&O segment, it is not surprising that the STT on F&O has been increased 5 times from 0.02% to 0.1%, he said, as the analyst is hopeful that these measures will moderate the frenzy in the F&O space now.

In a post, Zerodha’s Nithin Kamath said, “If the idea was to cool down activity in the market, this could do the trick.” Kamath noted that Zerodha collected around Rs 1,500 crore from STT last year. “If volumes don’t come down, it will increase to around Rs 2,500 crore at the new rates,” he said.

Despite the recent fall, the BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty are up 11-12 per cent year-to-date. While taxes may hurt equity returns, the inherent advantage of equity investments, namely a superior return profile, liquidity and inflation-hedging flows, should not be affected, IIFL Securities said.

Two days ago, the Economic Survey warned of the possibility of complacency and said that expectations of even higher yields could lead to speculation in the markets. India cannot afford over-financialisation of the economy at its current stage of development, the survey said, indicating that the behavioural response of investors to any sharp correction would be one of feeling cheated by unseen and larger forces. They may not return to financial markets for a long time, it warned.

“Stock markets were disappointed by the hike in tax on short-term and long-term capital gains and the removal of indexation benefit for real estate and gold. But with the top 100 active equity funds having 3.2% cash, any market correction is likely to result in a cash deployment,” Elara Securities said.

Disclaimer: Business Today provides stock market information for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Readers are encouraged to consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.




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