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At home for a while? Try these restaurant chef’s bread making tips


By mastering a basic recipe, Cook said you can adjust it to make wheat, rye, sourdough, baguette, English muffins or whatever you want.

MINNEAPOLIS Master baker’s advice from a restaurant chef

While we are locked inside, many people are trying to cook right now. Specifically, bread appears to be popular on social media posts.

But we are not all experienced in this area. So we contacted Ryan Cook, head chef at Eastside Eat + Drink in Minneapolis.

Cook grew a sourdough sourdough from scratch five years ago, and he still uses the same today.

It’s the secret of leaven, making your own yeast.

It’s a bit like learning an instrument, said Cook. First, you learn a major scale, then you learn to arrange it into melodies. It’s the same.

Cook said that to make a sourdough base, just add a part of water to a part of flour. Let it sit in your kitchen at room temperature for at least four days or until it begins to bubble. The simple dough will capture the natural yeast carried in the air, and the yeast will begin to do its sugar-eating magic.

You can add it to your leaven to make it rise naturally. Then, like a pet, you feed the starter more water and flour to keep this yeast active for as long as you want.

The cooks’ favorite bread recipe comes from the Tartine bakery in San Francisco. You can see here.

By mastering a basic recipe, Cook said you can adjust it to make wheat, rye, sourdough, baguette, English muffins, whatever you want.

Tip 2 – Master a brand of flour

Always try to use the same flour [brand] to see how the flour reacts. If you always use something different, you will never know. So that helps you compose it, said Cook.

Regarding this all purpose white flour in the cupboard, he says it is good to bake with it to learn the whims of mixing, baking, kneading and baking the bread before spending a little more dough on organic quality, locally ground, better quality flour-based products.

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Tip 3: When you increase your dough, go down slowly and slowly

Like a good soup broth, stew or smoked belly, the key to flavor is to cook slowly and slowly.

The same principle, according to Cook, applies to the dough of your bread.

Yeast works faster at higher temperatures and slower at colder temperatures. If you are in a hurry, you can place your dough in a warm space above the oven and it will grow much faster than putting it in the refrigerator. But Cook says that slow equals flavor.

We stick it in the cooler and let it go long and slowly for about 20 hours before removing it, shaping it and baking it. This long, slow fermentation period creates flavor, said Cook.

Tip 4: Go a little longer in the oven

Different breads need different baking techniques, but Cook generally recommends baking a little longer than you think in the oven.

You want to cook it hard because you want this nice crust on it, said Cook.

Ryan bakes the leaven in a Dutch oven with the airtight lid for the first 20 minutes in a 450 degree oven. He says it seals the cooking vapor from the dough and helps prevent the crust from burning. Then, for the remaining 20 minutes, he removes the lid to crisp the crust.

Final thoughts: Keep it simple, use good ingredients, practice and patience.

For delicious bread recipes, check them out United States Today.

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